Ron turned to face me, nodding his head before turning back around. I walked back inside, letting Harry and Hermione know that the targets were on the way. Ron jogged across the other side of the road, pretending to tie his shoe as I knocked out the lady walking past. With a sigh, she fell and I caught her, dragging her into the building. Ron came by and helped. 

''Right.'' Hermione said, plucking a hair from the woman. ''Remember what we said. Don't speak to anyone unless absolutely necessary. Just try and act normal. . .do what everybody else is doing. If we do that, then, with a bit of luck, we'll get inside. And then. . .''

''It gets really tricky.''

''Correct.'" Hermione passes us all our hairs. Ew, but it's what we needed for the plan to work.

''This is completely mental.'' Ron whispered loud enough for us all to hear. 

''Completely.'' Hermione agreed. 

''The world's mental.'' Ron sighed. ''Come on. We've got a Horcrux to find.''

Harry peeked outside, before actually stepping into the sidewalk. Ron followed and then Hermione, then myself. We had all been disguised to the best of our abilities. Luckily, the people we had disguised ourselves as, had all came from the Ministry. So, it shouldn't be that hard. At least, I don't think so. 

We walked down the street, trying to avoid any riding suspicion. Let's just hope that none of our disguises had gotten fired the day before. That would be embarrassing. I had to find someone to go as and I was voting for disguising myself as Marcus. I did know how to strut around the corridors the way he did, even sometimes his phrases. 

But, we didn't have any of his hairs. So I had to take one of the other ones. Up ahead, there was a sign that said 'Gentleman'. This is where our group of four turnes into two groups of duos. We'll meet back on the other side. High hopes that we don't get caught before we even enter the Ministry. How embarrassing that would be. 

Entering the bathrooms, Hermione and I had noticed that everyone was lined up outside the stalls. We joined, trying not to seem like the odd ones out. Someone had shouldered past me from behind, making me bump into Hermione. She steadied me, but that's not what I was currently thinking on. 

I remembered how when disguising myself as another potion using Polyjuice, my left shoulder is completely untouched. No scars up and down my body, no traces that I had been mauled by Greyback in my shoulder. Twice. And everything seemed normal. I couldn't hear what everybody else couldn't. I seemed normal for once. Normal since third year. 

''What do we do?'' Hermione leaned over, whispering in my ear. I moved back a bit, forgetting that we had been disguised. 

''I don't know.'' I shook my head. The last time we had came to the Ministry of Magic, it was through the phonebooth. But now, we have to enter as staff, not visitors. Ugh, if only Arthur or Marcus had been able to tell us about this bit. 

The lines became shorter, Hermione and I now standing outside two different stalls. Hermione standing in front of one as I stood in front of the other. The sound of the toilet flushing had sounded and I had entered, just like everyone else had done previously. Nobody was there. 

''Hermione,'' I whispered across the wall of the stall. ''I think we have to flush ourselves.'' With the small chatter going on outside the stalls, I hoped that none of them had heard me.

''What?'' Hermione whispered back, sounding outraged. 

''Yeah. Don't worry, it's not a big deal.'' I slowly stepped into the toilet, grimacing at the feeling of wet socks.

''Have you ever flushed yourself down a toilet before?'' She questioned, snarky. I rolled my eyes with a grin, reaching up and pulling down the chain. The toilet flushed and I spun around with the toilet water, shrinking down and leaving the bathroom. 

[✓] 𝗽𝗼𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗯𝗹𝘆 𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗼𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗯𝗹𝗲. draco malfoyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें