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" Are you sure about that, Lo'ak? "

" Yes. "

Jake paced around his tent nervously, trying to keep his cool. He was clenching his fingers on his throat microphone, wondering what could've happened.

A simple scouting operation that was supposed to be part of a normal day for Lo'ak rapidly transformed into a dangerous and delicate operation. The Na'vi was wandering the seas around the Sky City, when he noticed something that was floating above the water, hugging the giant wall around the fortifications. He didn't know what it was at first glance, but when he got a little closer, he saw it immediately: a Samson was evacuating a woman through an emergency door, and with closer inspection, Lo'ak noticed that the flying vehicule was quite damaged, with both machine guns missing and many holes in its structure. He didn't lose any time and called his father, as he tried to follow the Samson as stealthly as possible.

" The only three Samsons registered to High Camp are all grounded at the Hallellujah Mountains, dad. Norm confirmed it. "

" I know, he just called me. "

" The Sky People should not be able to fly. Not since we forced them to the ground. "

Indeed, when the city went down, Jake made sure to destroy every single Samson personally, with the help of a few of the most experienced Na'vis from the Omatikaya. A risky mission, but a necessary one; he wanted to make sure that nobody could leave, and lower the chances that they could attack any of their People with heavy artillery.

But apparently, he missed one.

" I never saw a single Samson fly around that base since I became a scout. Especially not in such secrecy. "

" Did you see where it was heading? "

" Towards the forest. I'm not sure yet if they have a destination. "

A short silence followed before Jake talked again.

" Anything else that seemed odd to you? "

Lo'ak patted his ilu, guiding him into changing direction towards the shore.

" I can't follow it from the sea. I'm gonna have to go on foot. "

" What do you mean, on foot? "

Lo'ak sighted in annoyance, ignoring his father's last question. Realizing his error, Jake corrected himself, worry clearly tainting his voice.

" Be careful, Lo'ak. Contact me when you find something. "

" I will. "

Lo'ak heart was pounding in his chest, pumping adrenaline in every part of his body. It has been a while since he faced a real danger during a scout, and he was more than happy to be able to follow that Samson and potentially avoiding a catastrophe that could harm their People. He patted his ilu's head, reassuring him the best he could.

" Stay close. I'll call you if I need you. "

They creature let out a happy sound, before leaving Lo'ak on solid ground and swim back into the depths of the ocean.


Whenever Lo'ak would set foot in the dense forest of his ancestors, he would feel pain in his heart to the sight of his former home, but also an immense joy to be reunited with a familiar scenery.

Today, however, was no such day.

Night had already came by the time Lo'ak begin his search. Familiar with his surroundings despite all the time that had passed since he last visited the area, he was running through the illuminated vegetation with ease and confidence. The stars looked like they imprinted their soul on his skin, making his body glow while the light of the many moons sisters of Pandora was guiding him.

The young men was nervous, but tried his best to stay calm. He would call upon the Way of Water to slow down his breathing, and stay focused on tracking the Samson through the night.

Having reached a high cliff after a while of running, the Na'vi scouted the distance to find something that could indicate where the vehicule could be; he had heard the rotors turn up until he set foot on the land... but after, nothing.

" Shit, I hope I didn't lose it... "

But his efforts were not in vain. There, right in front of him, he saw a faint line going up through the heads of the trees that looked like a column of smoke from a fire. Regaining hope, he made his way back down the cliffs, running as fast as he could towards the location. He had thought about using his ikran to scout the area, but he didn't want to risk being seen and shot by the Samson, in the case that there was a passenger or that the missiles were still working.

He also hoped that he wouldn't have to engage with the enemy; but he knew that deep down, he had to be ready for anything.

My Other Half ( Young Adult Lo'ak X Female Metkayina Avatar )Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ