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I was quite nervous, actually no, I was petrified. I haven't seen my sisters in over 10 years.

"Do you want anything to eat?" Nat asked me

I shook my head, "I'm not hungry." I mumbled.

Most of the time I kept my head down and avoided eye contact with them.

"Y/n, you need to eat", Yelena said, gently putting a hand on my back

"I said I'm not hungry, okay!" I raised my voice, and started to walk away from them.

"Where are you going?" They both asked me.

"I don't know, just leave me alone!"


Y/n stormed out after I told her that she needed to eat.

Just looking at her you could tell they barely fed her at the red room. She was extremely skinny and very pale. It's not good for her health.

If she doesn't eat, we are gonna have to take her to Bruce, and I know she will most definitely not want to do that.

"Somethings going on with her. She's breaking." Nat spoke with sadness in her voice.

"Course she's breaking! She just got out the red room after 15 years, and the second she gets out. She is with her two sisters who she also hasn't seen in over 10 years!" I said, raising my voice a little.

"Sorry, I'm so sorry, my minds not in the right place at the moment. Everything's just happening so suddenly."

"It's ok, It's crazy for all of us but right now, we have to be there for y/n. She needs us."

"Stay here in case she comes back, I'll go look around the compound for her." Nat said to me, I replied in a nod.


I walked around the compound in search for y/n. As I walked down the hallway that led to the secret compound garden, I heard small cries coming from it.

I walked out to see her huddled up at the side of the big tree, with her head in her hands.

I walked over, sitting down next to her, also leaning onto the rough bark of the stump.

"You know, I really missed having you around рыбка" I called her by the nickname I called her when we were young.

She looked up at me with puffy eyes.

"I missed you too сестра" she said to me, leaning her head on my shoulder, I leaned mine on top of her head.

"We should probably go inside. It'll get dark soon." I said, enjoying the moment we were having together.

"Okay", she hummed.

We stood up, walking back inside to the kitchen where Yelena was.

"Long time no see guys", she spoke.

"Sorry Lena." Y/n whispered.

"Hey, it's ok, I'm only joking. Here, at least one bite yeah?" Yelena said, resulting in a small nod from her.

Yelena handed her a small slice of pie with a fork.

"What is it?" Y/n asked, prodding the pie with her finger.

"It's pie, just try it. You'll like it." I responded.

She picked up the fork, cutting off a small piece and putting it in her mouth.
Her eyes immediately went wide as she started shovelling it into her mouth.

"I think she likes it Yelena-" I said, completely shocked of how fast she was eating it.

"You think?" Yelena said with the same reaction

After y/n had finished, she looked up at us, realising we were staring at her in shock.

"Sorry, I haven't eaten anything this good ever. I'm sorry if I weirded you guys out or anything." She spoke, looking nervous.

"Y/n, we are not weirded out at all, just happy that you like it and that you are eating. We just want the best for you, okay?" I said to her comfortingly while rubbing her arm with the palm of my hand. She nodded in response.

"So this is who left our lobby completely smashed to pieces?" A voice spoke as footsteps were heard entering the room.

Y/n immediately ducked behind Yelena and I in fright.

As the footsteps got closer, it appeared to be Tony, Steve and Clint walking into the room.

"It's ok, it's just some of the team." I said, trying to reassure y/n that everything was okay.

It was normal for her to be scared of frightened from everything after being in the red room for that long. All the punishments and pain they put you through whenever you make even the tiniest mistake.

It took over 2 years for me to get over it. Still now, memories frequently haunt my mind.

"I paid a lot of money for that measly thing to ruin it" , Tony said in a annoyed tone.

"You wanna shut up Tony, that's my sister your talking about!" Yelena raised her voice at him.

"Jeez, calm down. I was only stating a fact."

"Plus, I'm not wrong, I mean look at her. There's nothing to the kid. She might aswell just go back to where she came from with all the other ones." He added on.

"Other ones?" I asked him, getting frustrated.

"Yeah, the other little orphan kids."

I looked at Yelena and could tell she was just as disgusted as I was.


A loud noise was heard, I looked over at Tony to see that y/n had hit him round the face.

"Don't ever talk about me or my family like that or I'll rip your fucking head off!! You hear me! Back off before I break every bone in your god damn body!" She shouted at him.

"Ooo, shiver me timbers. The little child is gonna attack me!" He said sarcastically.

Me and Yelena grabbed her before she had the chance to lunge at him again.

"Let me go! Let me at him!" She screamed at us, trying to wriggle out of our grip.

"I want her out of here now!" Tony stated, pointing his finger at her.

"She's staying, whether you like it or not, and you will leave her alone or you'll have us to deal with." I said to him, pulling the two girls out the room with me.

We dragged y/n to my room and shut the door.

"What the hell were you thinking?" I raised my voice a little at her.

"Did you hear what he was saying about us! I'm not gonna let someone else treat me or you like shit!" She yelled back.

"I know that y/n but you can't go around slapping people! You could get detained by shield." I said in a calmer voice this time.

"Sorry." She muttered, averting her gaze down to the floor.

"It's ok, just please let me or Lena deal with it next time." I pulled her into a deep hug that we held for a couple minutes.

It felt nice to finally be able to hug my sister again.


Maybe family isn't all it seems.

A/N: trynna get at least 10 chapters out before February loll, still recovering from my surgery and I'm in so much painnnn😫

Word count: 1198

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