hypothetically [twenty four]

14 2 4

word count: 230

"would you really rob a store with me?"

it's a few days after my break down. i wouldn't stop crying til four am. the guilt comsumed me. i haven't really left joshua's side since. trying to prove to him and myself that i love him.

"hypothetically, of course, my love."

"so not for real?"

"i thought the whole thing was hypothetically?"

"i'm not sure, but i think that if we really did it.. then everything would be okay."

"what gives you that idea?"

"because then we'd have money, and we could start spending forever with each other."

"wouldn't that make us robbers?"


he smirks at me, looking away from the tv show he put on. 

"what's that stupid smirk on your face for?"

"we could live forever together," he says.


"then let's do it."

i do a double take.


"let's do it. let's plan."

"are you serious?"

"hypothetically, i could spend my whole life with you. i don't want you stressed and your stress is worsening as the days go by. so let's do it. make a little shortcut in life."

i smile at him, this is not the reaction i truly was expecting, i thought he would call me crazy.


"you don't think i'm crazy?"

"no. never."


"i would kill, die, and live for you. i'd do anything to put a smile on your face. if this is something that would.. make us better off. make you better off. then i'll go with you, my love."


"but remember."

"remember what?"



robbers// joshlerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon