Cԋαρƚҽɾ 2 - Bσσ!

13 1 0

WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! Ben hammered the peg keeping the tent up into the earth. Liam, Parker and Tom went out to find firewood while Ben, Tori and I set up the tents, or more accurately me and Ben since Tori was walking around the site with her phone in the air trying to find service.

"You're not going to get anything" I called over to her while pushing poles through the tent

"It's either I get bars or I start drinking now. And we all know how that'll end." She says. I do know what'll happen l, and it'll be ugly, so I continue setting up.

Liam emerges from the woods alone with arms full with wood.

"Where are the others?" Ben asks.

"They started frenching each other so I let them be." He answers

Liam dumps the load of wood into the middle of the campsite. Some time passes and we have set up all three tents around the fire pit we had just lit up.

It had just turned nighttime, Parker and Tom hadn't returned from their "frenching" yet. I'm starting to get worried but Ben reassured me everything is fine.

I roast my marshmallow on a stick over the flame while Ben and Liam talk and Tori screams into her pillow in her tent. I don't think she's having much fun.

There's a rustle from a nearby bush, bordering the woods and our campsite. It's loud and everyone notices it. Even Tori pops her head out of the tent.

"What's that?" Liam asks.

I shush him and I slowly advance towards the bush.

"Be careful!" Ben whisper yells.

I silently creep toward the bush, keeping in mind the fact that it could be a dangerous animal or a psycho killer.

I get to the bush, and in an instant I thrash my arms through it, blindly waving my arms about, not quite sure what my plan is.

But nothing is there.

"What is it?" Tori asks.

"There's nothing here, I guess it was a rabbit or someth-"


I shriek and fall to the ground. I look up to the sight of Tom laughing his annoying ass off.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Ben yells.

"Calm, down." Tom says. "It was a joke."

Ben walks over and helps me up. I'm about to curse Tom out but then I realise something.

"Where's Parker?" I ask.

"What do you mean?" Tom answers with a question. "She said she was coming back here."

Oh shit. Where is she.

"Well she isn't." Ben says

We hear another rustle coming from the other end of the camp now.

"Oh you've got to be shitting me." Tori, who is now out of the tent says.

We all look at where the noise is coming from, and there's just silence.

And 4 feet away from us, there's a scream. Parker's scream.

"AHHHHH!" Parker screams behind us. Before I even turn around a million thoughts race through my head. Is she okay? Is she injured? Why has she been gone this long?"

I turn around and Parker is there. And she is... completely fine. I'm confused, then my confusion turns to a mix of relief and anger and Parker starts to smile and laugh, which Tom then joins in on.

"Double pranked!" Tom yells like a dumbass.

Looks like he's rubbing off on Parker. She's not the "pranking" type so I know where she got this from.

"Seriously guys, not funny." Liam lectures.

"Seriously, what the hell?" Tori chimes in.

"Come on! It's funny!" Tom tries to justify. Everyone just rolls there eyes and go back to where they were. The energy is awkward for a minute, until Liam asks "What do we do now?"

Tori, again, pops her head out of the tent "Let's start drinking!"

The Quarry - Hackett WoodsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora