Chapter 14 : Is this War?

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"YOU PUNK!, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO JUNKYU?", Jihoon wore a furious look with his hand on his waist at the sight of the new couple.

"Before anything else, let me reiterate what happened. After all these years of my assumption that Haruto loathes me, things kind of escalated, thus bringing us to where we are", Junkyu nervously fiddled with his hands, glancing at Haruto's side.

"You're dense, I think everyone knows that you have domiciled feelings for Haruto, it is that transparent", scoffed Yoshi, peering at the both of them.

Still maintaining his sheepish expression, Junkyu closes his eyes in order to process the commotion happening, he hides behind Haruto, latching onto his boyfriend. As an expected response, teases were heard from their group.

"Enough of these, as much as we want to catchup with these two love birds, we have an event to attend to, let's resume this later", Hyunsuk announces, ushering them back. Little did they know that someone was watching the couple from afar.

"So they decided to publicize their relationship then, good luck to them", murmured the person, intently observing them.

Batting his eyes on Haruto, Junkyu intertwined their fingers together, as much as it felt foreign for Haruto to see his beloved act confidently, his mind failed to process what was happening between them. Surrounded by a huge crowd, without any restrictions, Haruto's heart continued to churn, engrossed in the cloud nine high.

"I know that I may have some regrets and doubts, but let's try to work towards our future Haru", softly smiled by Junkyu.

Not being aware that all eyes were on them, Hyunjin gave a scorned face, before approaching the two.

"Sunbae, thank you for helping earlier", thanked Junkyu, scoffing on the side, Haruto shook hands with Hyunjin.

"Oh Jongho, will arrive later, do you guys want to drink?", asked Hyunjin, giving them a hopeful gaze. "Will it be fine to ask the others to join as well?", Haruto added, scratching the back of his, he didn't want to be awkward to see his rival to meekly hangout with them, despite Hyunjin being considerate of their relationship.

"I have no problems with that, the more the merrier", Hyunjin chuckled, patting Haruto's back.

All throughout the festival, everyone remained preoccupied, accomplishing their duties. On the other hand, Haruto can't seem to feel wary, when it hasn't been a few hours since they became official, a lot of people were asking for Junkyu's social media details, the guy erupted to a more protective mode, doing all his might to get near his popular boyfriend.

Nudging Junkyu on by his arm, "You keep on smiling that's why they wouldn't halt in asking your number, you're just too kind at times", Haruto puffed, lowering his head.

Laughing at his dismayed boyfriend, Junkyu pinches Haruto's cheeks, "Stupid, of course as the president I have to be hospitable, now quit being a jealous puppy. I'm all yours anyway, you're lucky enough", answered Junkyu, sending butterflies to the Japanese. Simultaneously the evident frown of Haruto turned upwardly.

"Aish, I wasn't aware that this shy person can give me a heart attack", muttered Haruto, clenching his lips.

"You'll see it later", he thought. 

Eventually the event was on its last segment, Haruto rummaged through the crowd successfully holding Junkyu's wrist. Responsively, Junkyu giggled at him, going along.

The pair enjoyed each other's propinquity, holding Junkyu's waist, Haruto leans his head on Junkyu's shoulder. Chilling internally, Junkyu gulped as he senses the tension arising between them, Haruto's orbs met his. 

Silence, the world copulative, time momentously halting, fireworks erupting in the sky, whilst their faces were almost brushing each other. Breaths seemingly getting ragged synchronously, Haruto held Junkyu's face.

"Can I kiss you", the Japanese asked, receiving a positive response, he hurriedly places his lips on Junkyu.

Junkyu was flabbergasted, his stomach in a burning pit, head slowly getting faint because of the sensation.

Pulling away from each other, "Would you mind if we continued this to my house", Haruto kissed his nape. 

Desperately nodding his head, "Yes, I don't think that I'll last by just doing this Haru", pleaded Junkyu. Those were the magic words that made Haruto's little friend down there too eager.

With his orbs darkened, "Kim Junkyu, you're making me crave for you more, I wonder if you'll be able to walk tomorrow", Haruto carried Junkyu in his arms, making their way towards his car .

Author's note

Hi everyone!, what did you think about this chapter?. 

Let's see what will happen in the next chapter 😝😘🤫🤭🫢  spiciness coming in your waaaay 

Comment down below your thoughts for our Harukyu couple!, and lately, the two have been very active together in the recent Treasure updates 🫰

Stay tuned! 



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