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I entered my dressing room squealing with excitement! Not only had I won both of my matches so far! I was also going to join TEAM FREAKING TAZ!! Still squealing and smiling from ear to ear, I got changed into an different outfit for my interview.
Her outfit:

Just then my phone pinged, it was Tyler, telling me to go to his dressing room

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Just then my phone pinged, it was Tyler, telling me to go to his dressing room. I adjusted my trousers and stared in the mirror, slightly fixing my hair.

Why did I care so much?

I threw my phone, landing over on the sofa, before heading out of my dressing room, turning the lights off behind me. I took around 5 steps before I was directly in front of his door. I knocked, but it was a familiar knock. Tyler's knocking pattern. He uses it when he comes to my apartment!

Knock! Pause. Knock! Knock!

T: "That u Lexine?" I heard from the other side of the door.
"The one and only!" I laughed.
T: "Okay! Give me a second!" He replied, it sounded like he was scrambling around?
"Alright!" I answered.
T: "Okay, coming!" He said, I heard him jogging over towards the door.
"Heya!" I replied as he opened the door.
"Hey!" He replied moving to the side so I could come in.
T: "I'm so happy for u!" He beamed.
"Thank you!" I smiled back.
I slightly leaned towards him, only like an inch but I could tell he noticed, before I backed away again. I shook my head slightly, as he looked at me in confusion.

Then, something I never imagined happened. He leaned forward, and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into a hug. I felt my heart quicken and butterflies flutter inside of me. I froze, awkwardly. I chuckled slightly and wrapped my arms around his neck resting them on his shoulders. We slowly, awkwardly, separated.

T: "Sorry."
"No, no, no it okay!" I smiled.
"Sooo, how do u feel?"
"Like the luckiest person alive!"
"I mean u got a hug from me, so u might be!" He laughed.
I laughed with him, beaming from ear to ear.
"Sooo, what was it u wanted me for? I only have like 10 minutes cuz I have an interview, sorry."
"Oh, no, no that's fine, this should only take five!"
"Okay, so what is it?"
"Well, when I told u about joining team Taz and all of u won your match, which u did! I mentioned my dad agreed to apologise, but only if u did. So to join, u kinda have to apologise with him. Sorry, I didn't tell u. I really should have, I'm so so sorry!"
"Relax, it's fine!" I laughed. "I'll apologise, I mean it's worth it if I get to permanently work with u!"
He smiled.
"How long have u got before your interview?"
"Fuck the interview, let's go find your dad!"
I opened the door and held my hand out to him. He intwined his hand with mine and left the room, Tyler pulling the door closed behind us.
We walked the hallways, hands still intwined, searching for Taz. As we walked past a group of people including Julia Hart I saw her glare at me before looking down and me and Tyler holding hands, she started to laugh and the group turned to look at us. I felt Tyler's hand leave mine. I glared at her as I tried not to show the hurt filling me up. I quickly began walking again before anyone noticed my hurt expression. I heard Tyler start to come after me but it was to late, I had already broken into a quick walk. I jogged my way down the corridor, as I dodged out of the way of people, I could hear Tyler running close behind me, his feet hitting the ground. As I began to look around for somewhere to hide, knowing Tyler would quickly catch up to me, I realised I was back by my dressing room, I had gone in a complete circle. Not wanting to go into my dressing room, because that would be the first place Tyler looked in ran into a room 3 doors down from Tyler's dressing room. I ran in, quickly shutting the door behind me and leaning my back against it. Slowly I slid my back further down the door until I was sat on the floor my head on my knees in a ball. Maybe I was being dramatic but I was starting to realise the feelings I had for Tyler and feeling his hand leave mine just because of stupid Julia Hart and her little minions hurt, way more than I know it should have but still!
"Hey, u alright kiddo?"
I slowly looked up, my vision slightly blurred from the tears welling up in my eyes, but I could still make out the person. Sat on a grey sofa in the corner of the room, was non other than Taz.
"I-I- uh- yeah!" I quickly wiped my eyes with the backs of my hands and stood up as fast as my legs could handle. I went to open the door but was stopped.
Tz: "Hey, I know that's a lie, considering you're crying. Look, I know we're not each others favourite people but we both agreed to apologise which means something. And plus, I'm not heartless okay, if your crying I still need to know your okay, it's just general kindness."
I pushed my lips together forming a straight line, trying to smile at him.
"Thank you."
"Now, come sit. Tell me what happened, and who I need to kill."
I laughed as I walked over towards the sofa.
"We look out for each other at Team Taz and if that means spilling a little bit of blood we'll do it!"
I smiled at the man as I sat down next to him.
"So who are u hiding from?"
"No- No one!"
He looked at me with a look as if to say, just tell me.
"As in?"
"Yes, your son."
"Oh god! What did he do?"
"I don't really want to go into detail, but let's just say he hurt me."
Taz looked angry.
"I though I taught that kid well! U never lay a finger on a woman!"
"No, Taz! No! God no! Never! He'd never! I didn't mean physically."
"Also, he lay a finger on me in the ring?" I chuckled slightly.
"Well!" He chuckled with me.
We sat in silence for a moment before he spoke again.
"You know, your lucky, he don't like many people, let alone care about them."
"He cares about me?"
Taz smiled.
"Did you not catch that? He cares about you a lot more than he'll ever admit, I've seen the way he acts around you, he's different."
I smiled.
Just then we heard a frantic knock on the door.
T: "Lex open the door! I heard your voice! Who are u talking to in there?"
Tz: "What are u talking about? It's just me in here son!"
T: "Well why did I hear her voice! Dad just let me in, I need to talk to her!"
Tz: "I just told u, she's not in here!"
T: "Dad. Please."
Tz: "Son."
"Taz. It's okay, I'll go out and talk to him." I whispered.
Tz: "Are u sure?"
"Alright, good luck kiddo!" He said placing a hand on my shoulder as i walked past him towards the door.
"Thank you, Taz, and I'm sorry."
"No apology needed. I'm the one that's sorry, u just gave me a taste of my own medicine, which I strongly deserved!" He laughed.
I smiled at him before I turned to the door. I slowly took the remaining steps between me and the wood. I twisted the silver lock making a click sound.
T: "Lex?"
I sighed before grabbing onto the silver, circular door handle. I pulled it towards me, opening the door. I slowly edged it open and there in front of me, was Tyler. He stepped backwards, allowing me to close the door behind me. His right hand was in his even messier than usual hair, his breath heavy from running, his face red, his eyes looking at the floor.
I pursed my lips together and looked up at his face.
Slowly his eyes slowly raised from the floor and met mine.
T: "I'm sorry."
"I know." I pushed my lips into a straight line, almost a smile.
"I'm so sorry."
"And I'm so sorry for overreacting. Julia she just gets to m-"
"You nowhere near overreacted, I was just a dick."
"Yeah, u were. But Julia seems to be one all of the time." I smiled at him.
"At least I'm only one temporarily."
"That's true." I smiled at him.
"Friends?" I asked extending my hand to him, biting my lip nervously.
"Friends." He smiled, placing his hand in mine.
My face lit up.
"Let's go celebrate, me and your dad are fine, good now, even."
"Let's go." He smiled lowering our hands but keeping them connected.
We began to walk down the corridor until we got to our dressing rooms.
H: "Do u have a dress with u, or something like that?"
"Um, yeah, I think so? Why?"
"Put it on." He smiled at me, as we slowly released each others hands and entered our own dressing rooms. I got changed as quick as I could into the only dress I had in my duffel bag.

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