The figure reached up and pulled back the hoodie. Out popped a mane of blonde, curly hair, blue eyes, and a jaw that was basically dropped to the floor.

"Stephanie," he greeted flatly.

The girl rapidly glanced back and forth between him and the phone in her hand. "Bruce? I— what— what are you—!"

He hushed her when other heads in the station started to turn in their direction.

She stepped closer to him, realizing her mistake, but just barely. Stephanie typically didn't care for societal norms much, anyway.

"Brucewhatthehellareyoudoinghere?!" she sharply whispered all at once. She looked down at her phone again. "You're, like, all over every news outlet on the planet! You're... you're trending on Twitter! You're... getting married? To... Meredith Elias? What is—"

"Sit down," Bruce spoke under his breath, keeping his back firmly against the wall so his head was just out of the light.

The girl rushed to drop her backpack and sit next to him. Her face looked frantic. "What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here?"

"I was just in the neighborhood."

"Doing what?"

She hesitated. "This isn't about me, Bruce." He watched her take in the sight of his outfit. Her features contorted into slightly horrified ones. "Oh my God." She slapped the forearm. "Why are you wearing—? Wait."

Stephanie checked her phone once more. Her eyes widened. "Do not tell me you're coming from the literal gala right at this very second!"

He trained his gaze back on the tracks. "Okay. I won't tell you that."

Her jaw was on the floor once again.

"Oh my— Jesus Christ..." she trailed off as she bent over and unzipped her backpack. She pulled out a larger black hoodie and shoved it into his lap. "Put this on right now!"

He studied the clothing. "Why do you—?"

"Don't ask questions." She shoved it toward him again. "Are you out of your mind? You're about to ride the subway back into Gotham City as Bruce Wayne in a full tux that probably cost more than my college tuition? Are you looking to get robbed?"

He tugged the sweatshirt over his head and then gave her a pointed look.

She rolled her eyes. "Well, I know that they wouldn't be able to successfully rob you, but they don't!"

He simply crossed his arms.

"Why are you here, Bruce?" she tried again, voice now more controlled compared to the previously frazzled one. "Shouldn't you be leaving the big, fancy ball with your sexy, billionaire fiance hanging off of your arm?"

"She's not my fiance."

Stephanie suddenly nodded in understanding, as if she'd finally figured out the entire situation. "Ohhhh, okay. So... you guys are eloping?"

"Now arriving: track four northbound to Hamstead," the computerized voice announced.

Bruce stood up, hearing the train's brakes squealing in the distance. "I didn't propose."

"Didn't... what?"

The train flew into the station, filling his ears with the whistling wind. He started walking towards the opening doors.

Stephanie was immediately at his side two beats later, backpack slung over her shoulder. "How's that even possible, Bruce? Everyone online is raving about your mother's ring. I have the pictures from the Kat Grant segment right here!"

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