Chapter 05

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Everyone is back including Nadia who hasn't gone home, yet.

Annie's getting more critical but she can still open her eyes. Carlos never leaves her side. John and William too, they're standing right next to their dad.

The rest are on the couches. "Dad. Do you wanna open that album again? There's still a lot that we haven't seen, right?"

John breaks the silence. He grabs the photo album on the bed side, opens it and gives it to Carlos.

"Oh, this is our third honeymoon, Annie." Carlos looks Annie in the eyes. "Do you remember where it was taken?"

Carlos shows Annie a picture of them on a small stage, they're surrounded by 4 guys in the same suit.

"That was in New York City, right? They were singing The Carpenters' song. What was it called?" asks Annie, "Top of the World." Carlos answers.

"Ah yes. Top of the World. Do you remember you cried when you heard about the death of Karen? You had a crush on her, right Carlos?" Annie teases Carlos but Carlos only replies by holding her hand and looking directly at her eyes with love.

John puts his hand on William's shoulder and William does the same. They look at each other and smile at each other, trying to comfort each other.

"Grandma, do you want to open the presents? I know Christmas is like an hour away, but I can't wait." Rose asks her grandma.

Soon, she opens her present first in front of her grandma.

"I can't afford anything, grandma. Sorry, I'm only bringing this book you used to read to me to sleep." Rose opens her present and gives Annie the old Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day" book.

"You said it was your favorite book growing up and I don't feel fair keeping it to myself. It was your book for a very long time, I want you to have it again, grandma." says Rose while she's handing the book to Annie.

"Thank you, sweetheart But you can keep it, really." Annie rejects politely and gives back the book to Rose.

Rose hugs her grandma tight.

Annie walks towards her grandma, Annie.

"Hey, grandma." Her grandma smiles at her, "Hey sunshine. How are you?" ask her grandma.

Annie whispers to her grandma, "I kick the bully in the butt as you said. Don't tell anyone, okay?" Both Annies smile at each other. "Oh and here's my gift for you, grandma."

Annie opens her present and shows a necklace made out of a painted cardboard that's cut into circles.

"I made it myself. It's your favorite colors, right grandma? Purple and pink?" Annie holds the necklace in front of her grandma.

"Yes, it is, sunshine. Thank you. Can I wear it?" John takes the necklace and helps her mom wear the necklace.

Jacob is next. The youngest of them all. He walks to the side of the bed.

"Grandma, I just graduated high school. I have no money. Do a kiss and a hug counts as a gift?" Annie smiles and opens her arms. Jacob kisses and hugs her grandma.

"Merry Christmas, grandma. I love you."

"I love you, too, Jacob. Merry Christmas to you too." Annie replies.

Junior holds Nadia's hand and they walk to his grandma.

"Grandma. Nadia has something for you." says Junior. "It's from us, Grandma Annie." says Nadia which Junior quickly interrupts, "No, it's from her. Her mom made the best ugly Sweater ever,"

Junior turns to his mom "no offense, mom. I still love you." Diana laughs at him.

"And it's for you, Grandma Annie. My mom says hello, too. She said she can't wait to meet you." Nadia gives a red sweat-shirt to Annie.

"Thank you so much, Nadia. Please tell your mom, thank you for the sweatshirt. And I can't wait to meet the mother of this sweet girl." Annie touches Nadia's cheek.

"Boys, you and your wives don't have to give me anything, okay?" says Annie to her sons and daughters in law.

"Oh no, Mom. We're broke. Our kids robbed us." William jokes, trying to lift up the mood only to see his mom laughs but then faints.

Her eyes are closed and the heart rate monitor is no longer beeping. Carlos looks super worried, as well as John and William. Gwen and Diana hold their kids' hands while Nadia looks scared and Junior tries to calm her.

The doctor and the nurses are coming into the room. They do a little check on Annie. John and William hold their dad's hands.

"Doctor, is she okay? You said she's okay." Carlos is worried and he can't stop talking. "Doctor, answer me! Is she okay? Is my Annie okay?"

The doctor turns to them, he looks sorry and he shakes his head,

"I'm sorry, Sir."

"NO!" Carlos screams and cries.

He grabs Annie's hand and kisses it. He then hugs Annie probably for the last time.

Everyone cries.

Gwen and Diana take their kids outside and this time, Nadia tries to comfort Junior who's crying.

"Bill, I'm sorry." Nadia whispers Junior's ear. John and William lose it as well but they're still trying to keep calm and trying to calm their dad.

"Dad, it's okay. Mom's in heaven. She's with God." John cries, he hugs his dad from behind with William hugs both his dad and brother.

The clock shows 12 am in the morning of Christmas.

John, William, and Carlos slowly walk outside while the doctor and the nurses check Annie for the very last time.

"I'll take care of you all from here Carlos. I will" says the Voice of Annie from Heaven.

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