Chapter Six - The Cave

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⚠️ Smut Warning ⚠️

After the two had eaten, they immediately went back onto the road.

Natasha laid her helmet clad head on Adrienne's back as her arms were wrapped around their waist, holding on tightly.

Adrienne, on the other hand, was enjoying the view of the open and quiet road.

"We're almost there," Adrienne yelled over the air, slowing down before turning onto a dirt path.

Natasha hummed softly, her hands running under their shirt, caressing their strong abdomen.

Adrienne eventually slowed their bike to a stop, placing their big hands onto Natasha's smaller ones.

"Come on," Adrienne spoke, standing up from the bike, Natasha following, taking her helmet off.

Adrienne snickered at the redhead's messy helmet hair. They walked closer to the woman, fixing her hair for her.

"Cute," They whispered, taking the helmet from Natasha's hands, and dragging the woman through the forest.

"Are you trying to kill me?"

"I would never kill you," Adrienne said, stopping for a moment, and making a right.

"Do you even know where the hell you're going?"

"Yes, Natasha," They responded sternly, walking forward for a few feet, Natasha behind them slightly.

"What the hell is...?" Natasha's words died in her throat as she spotted the large pond and a beautiful waterfall.

"And you doubted me," Adrienne shook their head in faux disappointment, arms crossed.

Natasha rolled her eyes, punching them before walking closer to the pond, reaching her hand into the water.

"Is it cold?"

"It's perfect for weather like today," Natasha responded, spotting a few fish swimming around.

"Perfect," Adrienne responded, peeling their clothes off of their body, tossing the articles to the side.

Natasha finally turned around, spotting Adrienne in nothing but their boxers, which were skin tight, exposing their bulge.

She blinked her eyes a few times to keep herself focused, "I thought you said that we would be skinny-dipping," The redhead stood up, taking her clothes off as she sauntered over to Adrienne.

By the time the redhead was in front of them, she was in nothing but her bra and lace panties.

"Lace?" Adrienne questioned, sliding their index fingers under the waistband of the lace article of clothing, "For me?" They questioned.

"If you want it to be."

Adrienne grinned at the woman's words, "Too bad you won't be wearing them any longer... I like them on you," Adrienne spoke with a pout, tearing the lace panties with ease, tossing them to the side carelessly.

"Is that all you're gonna take?" Natasha questioned, a challenging look in her eye.

Adrienne ripped Natasha's bra off next, tossing it next to the ripped panties.

"Is that what you wanted?" They asked, caressing the pale woman's body.

Natasha shrugged with a hum, looking down at Adrienne's boxers.

Adrienne did the same, looking back up to Natasha with interest in their eyes.

"Go on."

She gripped the sides of their boxers, also ripping them with ease, just as Adrienne had earlier.

Death's Weakness (Wanda Maximoff x G!P Enby OC)Where stories live. Discover now