She had pale skin blonde hair, and green eyes she was wearing a beautiful light blue dress with blue flats. Her daughter stood next to her wearing a pink dress with a pink bow in her hair was more of an orange she had emerald eyes like her mother as well as pale skin. The boy that was standing next to her well almost basically behind her had brown hair he also had blue eyes he was winning a button down shirt also with blue jeans he was also wearing snickers he had a little plush with him a golden bear with a purple top hat. I looked back at Michael to see him wearing a button up shirt with two of the buttons undone at the top some black pants and black dress shoes.

"Come on y/n" Charlotte grabbed my hand and started to pull me along "sweetie be careful!" I heard Henry say as Charlotte basically dragged me over to Michael and his siblings "hi I'm Elizabeth this is my little brother Chris and I guess you already know Michael." I looked at the little girl again as I just stared at her "she's not much of a talker Lizzie." I just rolled my eyes as I looked at Michael "seems like your eye is healing up pretty well." I nodded my head yes as I put both of my hands in my pockets "how about yours?" he just smiled "can't really complain." I looked him up and down again seeing that he didn't have his foxy mask with him "kids why don't you go upstairs and play." I looked at their mother "sure thing mommy. come on!" Elizabeth grabbed Charlotte hand and basically ran up the stairs "this is gonna be a long night." I looked at Michael nodded my head in agreement.

After a couple of minutes of the kids basically playing and me and Michael just sitting in the room not really saying anything Michael got up "i'm gonna grab something to drink." he put both of his hands in his pockets as he left to head downstairs


(serious talk skip if you want)

It was getting pretty boring just sitting there not doing anything so I decided to head downstairs to grab a drink it might help. When I got to the corner where I don't have to turn to get in the kitchen I heard Henry's voice "I don't know what to do with her she doesn't speak she doesn't really do anything if she does speak it either cursing or just saying one simple reply like yes or no and then her getting into fights at school I don't know what to do." I pressed my back up against the wall to listen in "she seems like a troubled kid I mean she didn't say anything when she got here the first thing she said was the F word she didn't even shake my hair when she came in." I heard my father complaining about her behavior as well "maybe you should send her to a school where they help kids with this stuff you know a behavior school. See if that could help her." I smiled a little bit thinking that I won't see her again for a while having her out of my school "I can't do that! That girls been through enough already." Henry slammed his hands against the table as he basically yelled "and why not I was thinking we should send Michael there because he's getting into fight, pulling pranks on the teachers."  I rolled my eyes I was just about to walk away before I heard Henry's Voice again "because she was abused! s
She was a beaten and raped there's so much going on with her that's one reason why I have her, and why she's not with her parents anymore was because they were abusing her. Kids at her old school just walk by when she was getting beat up or hell even raped she doesn't trust anyone that's the reason why she doesn't talk because she don't feel like her voice will be heard. If I send her a way to a school like that it's just gonna make her worse." I paused when I heard that 'she's been what?' I put my hand over my mouth as I thought back to earlier today when she was saying that she was in a similar situation as I was "I can't turn my back on her, but it's getting difficult taking care of her she doesn't leave her room the only time she does is for like a snack, but she barely eats she's not all right and I just don't know what to do." I pushed myself off of the wall as I went back upstairs.

(serious talk is over)


After a few minutes Michael came back in he didn't have a drink with him, but I just shrug it off thinking that he throw it away, or finished it downstairs. He sat back on the bad beside me "so is there anything in particular you like?" I looked over at him confuse "she like's guitar she has one." Michael smiled as he got back up "come on then instead of listening to these three losers why don't we go listen to some music." I was hesitant, but knew that I could fight him off so I went with him.

When we got to his room he open the door to review a basic teenage boys room his walls were painted gray as he had rock posters around his room dirty laundry some bowls, and cups in his room but he also had a skateboard and a guitar himself. "I normally see you riding on your skateboard when you get to school do you always take it or?" I just looked at him still confused "go ahead and take a seat anywhere I really don't care." I  look back to see that he kept the door open which does ease my worries a little bit. I looked around his room deciding to sit on the bing bag chair as he got something his room. Je picked up his guitar as he sat on his bed "do you have any requests" I just shook my head no as he started to play something it was actually pretty good.

After a few minutes of him just playing his guitar and we just really sitting in his room not really doing anything we heard his father yell "KIDS TIME TO EAT" we both got up and left the room he let me leave before him which was nice. When we got downstairs I already saw Henry that the tables it was set nicely like one of those tables you'll see you in a fancy restaurant.  We all sat down at the table as Michael's mother and William put the food on the table "this looks amazing Chara." she gave Henry a smile as she sat down in her seat "thank you Henry I do hope you all enjoy." I nodded my head yes as I cut into the steak that she cooked.

"you know after dinner I was thinking that we could all catch a movie." William suggested "I hear there's a new movie out in the theaters we could take the kids to go see that since they don't have school tomorrow." William looked at Henry to see if it was all right "that sounds wonderful what movie is it?"   "well it is a kids movie it's h/m" (The movie you hate) I rolled my eyes "count me out." I looked over at Michael "Michael don't be rude it won't kill you to go to the movie." he was about to say something but I interrupted "yeah I'm not going either." Henry looked at me a little bit but then just went back to eating "well we could leave them here I trust y/n I left her home alone plenty of times, and I never came home to the house burning down, or anything she's mature for her age I think she can look after Michael as well. So they not really have to keeping an eye on the little kids." Henry suggested leaving me and Michael alone "yeah you have a point y/n do you mind staying here for a couple of hours by yourself with him." I looked at William as he pointed at Michael. I shook my head no telling him I didn't mind "all right well then after dinner we'll clean up and head on out" Henry sounded a little bit happy but also worried about leaving me here alone with Michael.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2023 ⏰

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