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Ever since I got in this high school those four boys have been making my life a living hell of course I wasn't making it any easier for them either. We were either getting into fights, arguments, or just being mean to one another the worst part was most of them are in my classes the one with the fox mask share all my classes with me not to mention the teachers thinks it's funny to sit him next to me. So I guess you can see how that is going.

"would you stop smacking the stupid gum." my voice has a whisper since the teacher was talking Michael apparently that is his name looked at me only for a split-second then turned around to face the teacher again. As he was trying to smack the gum louder "you know if you were nicer than maybe I would." I rolled my eyes as I put my hand up "yes y/n?" I stood up for my seat and went to the door "i'll be back in like 10 minutes" our teacher just shook her head as I walked out of the class.

All of the teachers know that I don't talk much if I do it's just short so they know I only raise my hand if I need to go to the water fountain, or bathroom, and they can't stop me on either one I'm going to sure they've tried but it didn't work. Henry has been trying to make things a little bit easier for me he told the teachers and the school staff about me not talking much, or if I just need to go somewhere then let me it's better if they do. Sure that has caused problems with other students but I couldn't care less.

I open the door to the bathroom so I could head in since it was middle of class no one really should be in here. I wanted to one of the stalls to do my business. After I was finished I went to go wash my hands in the middle of me doing that though someone enter the bathroom I looked up a little bit so I could see the girl through the mirror. She had long blonde hair, blue eyes, and pale skin and she was wearing heavy make up "hey aren't you the girl that pissed off Michael and his friends?" I sent her a glands as she came over to stand by me "I have to say it's pretty impressive you standing up to them. Not many people dared to do that well other than me and my friends." I only rolled my eyes has this bitch try to get closer to me "you know we could team up. you have our back we have yours." she put her hand on my back which triggered my flight or flight response I grabbed a hand spinning her around then kicked her in the side "I don't think I gave you permission to touch me!" she looked up at me as I put my hand on her shoulder making her stay down on her knees "and second I don't need your help. I don't need your little friends as you call them help. I don't need anyone." I kicked jet in the stomach making her lay down on the floor in pain as I walk to the door I turned my head slightly to see her still on her knees grabbing her stomach "walk it off! you don't know what pain is!" I shut the door behind me as I left to bathroom so I could head back to my class.

I open the closet door to see the teacher sitting at her desk as everyone was doing a worksheet "Miss y/n glad you could finally join us." I just rolled my eyes as I went back to my seat "if you need any help on the worksheet just ask Michael." I rolled my eyes as I pulled out my pencil and started on the worksheet.

After the class was finally done I got my stuff so I can start heading to PE since that was my next class. I was the first one out of the classroom since I really don't take anything out  or stay to talk so it's easier for me to leave. I was just walk in the hallway trying to get to my class when I felt a hand on my shoulder "we wasn't done talking." I turned my head slightly to see that same bitch again the same one I saw in the bathroom but this time she had three other people with her two boys one other girl "listen I just want to make a deal." I rolled my eyes as I turned around to face her and her friends "like I was saying earlier we could help you." I started to laugh a little bit as I shook my head "and like I told you I don't need help." I crossed my arms as I looked her dead in the eyes "come on you're new here I don't think you understand what you're passing up." On for her friends put his arm around me. He had orange hair, freckles, and brown eyes "we'er respected here, and instead of you getting into all those fights with them we can protect you." I rolled my eyes as a grab the guys wrist and threw his arm off "fuck off would you." I turned on my heel to start walking away, but before I could get far the other female grabbed my wrist "now hold on!" I didn't give her time to speak as I grab her by the shirt, and threw her over my shoulder "I will say this once never fucking touch me unless you want to get beat up I don't take too kindly to people touching me!" I put both of my hands in my pocket as I walked away leaving them there stunned.

"Y/N!" I groaned at the voice "why is it every time I see you are you making enemies?" I just look at Mary as I just gave her a glands not really caring "listen I just think you need to stop making enemies with dangerous people. For one the troublemakers that's Michael, Simon, Mark, and Fredrick they're known for getting into fights, causing trouble for the teachers, planking other students, and will I want more, and you're on their bad side that's one reason why you and those four always fighting, or arguing." I shrugged my shoulders as I just kept walking to the gym "now you made enemies with the popular ones. Sure they don't like the troublemakers either but they're not to be messed with the teachers love them they could get away with anything!" I just turned my head to look at her as I smirked "sounds fun." Mary was about to say something but I push the doors open so I could head downstairs to the gym.

'I wonder what they would do? doesn't matter to be honest.'

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