Natasha turned back to the mirror and smiled as she looked at the gown. 'One last beauty pageant.' she thought as she let out a relived breath.


After spending the past three hours getting her dress fitted Maria, Natasha and Wanda headed over to the mall to do some shopping and to grab a quick bite to eat.

They sat down at a small circular table near the middle of the food court. Chinese food sat out in front of them. Wanda got the orange chicken with dirty rice. Maria got the sesame chicken with dirty rice and Natasha got the same. They all had their separate egerolls and enjoyed them as they talked amongst themselves and shared laughs.

"So, tell us more about the baby." Maria said after a moment taking a bite of her of her chicken

"Nothing much to tell." She shrugged "Steve asked me if I was okay to start trying and I told him yes. We still have a while to go though before my birth control wears off." She explained taking a sip of her sweat tea

Maria hummed in understanding

"I hope you have a girl." Wanda said with an excited smile

Maria and Natasha chuckled at the brunette's comment and taking a sip of her tea Natasha shook her head.

"I'm not pregnant yet, Wanda." She told her

"I know." Wanda replied "but I want a little niece."

"Me too." Maria agreed "plus I think Nick will be happy to hear that he's going to have a grandchild."

Natasha's eyes widened as she sat up straighter in her seat "I'm not telling Nick until I'm actually pregnant."

"Why not?" Wanda asked curiously taking a sip of her Pepsi

"Because, telling the only father figure I've ever had that I'm trying to have a baby-" she cringed "it's weird."

Just then Maria's phone buzzed and she picked it up smiling at the screen. Natasha smirked taking a sip of her tea.

"Sam?" She questioned looking at the brunette from over her cup, her smirk still in place and a eyebrow raised

Maria blushed slightly turning off her phone and placing it on the table "yeah."

Wanda smirked "asking when you'll be home I presume?"

Maria nodded, that was thing about Maria and Sam's relationship. They couldn't stop talking about the other and they always missed each other when the other wasn't around.

In a way the kinda reminded Wanda of Natasha and Steve.

"When are you two thinking of starting your wedding plans?" Natasha asked curiously as she took a fork full of rice

"Well it definitely won't be in less than a month like yours and Steve's." She joked causing the three women to chuckle. Maria shrugged "I don't know. We really haven't given it much thought. I know that he wants to do it this year but I would rather do it next year so all are friends can be there, you know?"

Wanda and Natasha nodded in understanding.

"Isn't Sam's friend Riley coming back from deployment soon?" Natasha asked

Maria nodded "yeah, he's gonna be staying with us for a while." She shrugged "at least until he finds a place to stay."

The three woman continued to talk for what seemed like hours. They walked in and out of shops, thier arms getting fuller and fuller of bags. Let's just say they had a great time shopping.


Natasha got home a little while later, her arms full of bags and an exhausted look on her face "Steve, I'm home!" She shouted as she kicked the door closed behind her

Not a second later Steve came running into the living room and picked Natasha up earning an eruption of laughter from the blonde. Natasha flailed in his arms, a bright smile playing her lips as she wrapped her legs around his waist.

Steve slammed his lips against hers, kissing her passionately. Their tongues played a game of war as Steve's tongue explored her mouth, getting a taste of every inch. She was his drug, and he is absolutely addicted to her.

Natasha giggled as they parted "someone missed me."

"I always miss you." He told her with a smile

Steve carefully put her down and looked at the large pile of bags on the floor near the couch. He furrowed his eyebrows as he looked back at his wife and pointed at the bags. "You went shopping?" He questioned

Natasha hummed "yeah. Wanda and Maria insisted."

Steve nodded slowly

"You okay?" She asked him with furrowed eyebrows

Steve hummed wrapping his arms around her waist "yeah. I just missed you that's all."

Natasha nodded "well I got something for you. For both of us actually." She told him walking towards the bags

"Oh yeah?" He questioned

Natasha looked up at him with a smirk as she grabbed a small pink and white stripped bag with black accents. Turning to Steve she handed him the bag and he raised his eyebrows as he saw the 'Victoria Secret' label.

Natasha simply smirked as he dug through the bag and pulled out a dark red thong with a matching bra and garter.

Steve looked at Natasha who still wore a smirk on her lips "sexy." He told her examining the lingerie "but I prefer you naked."

Natasha raised a eyebrow, the smirk still present on her lips "oh, well I can always take it back." She told him making a move to grab the clothing

Steve quickly yanked his hand away moving his hand behind his back "no, that's okay. That won't be necessary."

Natasha raised a eyebrow "you sure?"

Steve hummed "yeah. I mean they'll just tell you that they don't take returns, I'm sure."

"Okay." She told him turning back to the bags

Steve smiled looking down at the lingerie and putting it back into the bag "you should wear it tonight." He told her setting the bag down on the coffee table

Natasha looked at him from over her shoulder and smirked "maybe I will."

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