"Let's make it official," I blurted out. "Our relationship. We'll confirm what the rumors are saying, and I'll be named . . . Um, Crown Prin-cess."

"I thought you wanted to wait."

"Yeah, but as you said. You're getting attacked. If I was officially part of the family, I could help you. Plus, people would be distracted and leave you alone."

He sighed. "I don't want to use you like that," he began. "I want you to be sure. Once you've been crowned, there's no going back. Plus, I think there will be a huge backlash. Many families raised their child to be able to stand beside me."

"And I'm going to be a random girl stealing the spot," I finished.

"Something like that."

I bit my lip. "Do you think I can do it?"

"Of course," he said. "You're very stubborn and will see things through no matter how difficult they are."

I blushed. "Part of that wasn't a compliment."

He smiled. "Besides," he continued. "If they kick up a fuss, I can always show them I'm not as whipped as they thought I was."

"Then, we can go to Royal Prints and make the changes."

Alexander sat up and looked down at me. "What is this about?"

"It's cold," I whined.

"Rin, I'm not moving until you tell me."

He knew me too well. I had no other tricks left. I sat up.

"I want to set a trap," I admitted, "but it's not what you think."


"I want to make us official, but I also want to catch whoever is behind this. We've both been targeted somehow, so what better way than to throw a huge party and act as bait?"

"Is this about my mother?"

My gut twisted. I rubbed my legs.

"What did she tell you?" I asked.


"Answer the question."

"She had another artisan copy the work," he finally said.

I wiped my eyes. "Of course she did."


"I'm not going to argue," I sighed. "All I want is for the person responsible for all this mess to pay. They've hurt too many people and can't get away with it."

"Our ceremony should be one of happiness. Using it for something else . . .it's wrong."

"I'm sorry."

He rubbed his head. "I don't want to fight."

"We're not fighting."

"You're angry."

"I'm annoyed."

I shouldn't be, but I was, and it made me feel like a bad person.

"Come here," he said.

I didn't move. Alexander pulled me in, and I reluctantly rested in his arms.

"Talk to me."

"I'm tired," I told him. "I can't do anything to help. I thought it would be good to get rid of this doubt. There are so many unanswered questions: who wanted to assassinate you? Who is behind the attack at the embassy? Who is controlling the Extremist?"

"You think there is a mastermind?"

"You turned into a vampire again after visiting your mom," I reminded him.

"It could be a coincidence?"

"You think so?"

He sighed. "I've thought about it too, but with everything going on, it's hard to focus on one thing."

"Cami is keeping an eye on things for me," I whispered.

"Your cat?"

I looked away. "Yeah."

He sighed again. "You're not making this easy."

I leaned against him. "Girl has to do what girl has to do."

"Okay," he said. "Let's do it. Let's set a trap."


"Yes," he said. "Even if it's not my mother, we can still trap whoever is behind this."

"Sorry," I said again. "You're right. The ceremony should be a time of celebration."

"It will be," he assured me. "Plus, we need to get rid of the problems. This time, we won't be caught unawares."

Smiling, I leaned against him. At least we were on the same page now. Come what may, we will be ready. 

The Vampire Prince graduates High School (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now