-Confusing Feelings-

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 Water lapped at Ao'nung's feet as he stared longingly at the vast ocean. The sound of crashing waves filled his ears and blocked out all other sounds. This allowed Ao'nung a moment of peace, something no one had in a while. He liked when he had moments like these. Times where his thoughts could run rampant and his feelings could overflow. His time alone had come to an end as quickly as it had come. He picked up on a disturbance coming from his right side. It was footsteps and not just any in particular. It was quiet, dainty footsteps that could only belong to one Na'vi, Tsireya. Ao'nung's ears twitched in curiosity but he didn't give any mind to her. "Go away" Ao'nung muttered underneath his breath, his attention still transfixed on the ocean ahead.

Tsireya sighed defeatedly "We are leaving in a couple hours, you can still come you know?"

"What makes you think I would want to go?" Ao'nung said as he busied himself with running his fingers through the sand. He took a handful and drizzled it over his leg, his eyes watched as the grains of sand fell over his leg and back to the ground. 

Tsireya bent down and sat on the spot next to Ao'nung while staring at him knowingly. "I just thought since Neteyam is going..." Tsireya's lips twist into a smirk.  She leaves the rest unsaid and instead fixes her sight where Ao'nung is looking, the ocean. "I know it will pain you to leave, it pains me as well. But are you really willing to let Neteyam slip away? Who knows when they will be back- if they'll be back."

Ao'nung gets up from the ground and wipes the remaining grains of sand off his legs. His body does a turn until he is face-to-face with Tsireya, and only then does he open his mouth into a grimace. 

 "Unlike you, I am not going to abandon this clan or our family."

Tsireya recoils from Ao'nung's remark, she stays where she is on the sand and looks up into Ao'nung's eyes. The crashing of waves once again blocks out all other sound and Ao'nung is left with his little sister looking up at him with a pained expression. Once again Tsireya is the one to break the silence. 

 "So will you just pretend that your relationship with Neteyam doesn't exist? All those memories you two forged together down the drain?"

Ao'nung turns away from Tsireya's piercing stare. 

 His lip wobbles and his voice comes out shaky but he doesn't dare look at his sister while he says so, in fear that she will know of his true feelings.  "Neteyam will be fine. He is a strong Na'vi and he doesn't need me. But I can not leave my home." 

Tsireya remains quiet before she makes her way from where she is sitting and into her brother's arms. She pats Ao'nung on the back  and brings her forehead to touch his. They both shut their eyes and relish in the feeling of being in each others arms, which may be one of the last times.

 "Nga yawne lu oer. Don't forget to stop by before we leave, at least to say goodbye, okay?"

Ao'nung squeezes Tsireya tighter into the hug before opening his eyes to find her awaiting ones. "I wouldn't miss it for the world, Reya." 

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