First date kinda nervous

Start from the beginning

"How?" He huffed out a quiet laugh at my confusion.

"Magick." I rolled my eyes but started planning what I would ask for in my head. The waitress walks over, visibly nervous to be serving a member of the Inner Court. Or perhaps just nervous to be serving Azriel I suppose.
"What would you like to order tonight?" Her voice didn't waver although the question was directed at me so less pressure. She nodded after I ordered my favourite dish and cautiously looked to Azriel for his. "Just a steak and chips, medium rare with tartar sauce. As well as a bottle of Pinot Noir please." The girl nodded thankful that she wouldn't have to ask those follow up questions and stalked off towards the kitchen.

"So, are we gonna play like the usual ice breaker games or?" My sentence trailed off and a look of confusion replaced his once calm look. "What's an ice breaker game?" Oh, I forget that most common things and terms like ice breaker probably aren't well know here. "Well an ice breaker game is basically a game where you get to know the other person." He hummed and nodded that I continue "So for example, we could play two truths and a lie. The aim is to make the other person not guess the lie correctly. I'll go first. I've been to over 100 different reality's, I own a cat in my original reality and I'm 25 in my original reality." I'm only now realising that this wasn't the best game to play as his job literally consists of getting the right answers, and he could probably spot my tells from a mile away. "You're not 25?" Should have guessed he would have know. "Correct, I'm 23. Now that I'm thinking about it I probably should have chosen a game you wouldn't be so good at."

He laughed and for some reason the sound made me grin. He was so devastatingly handsome, his short toused black hair and hazel eyes. He was a sight to see that's for sure, I wonder why he hadn't been with anyone before he met me? "So my turn correct?" I nodded and he thought for a second. "I'm 541-" wait what? "No you aren't. Are you?" He smiled slyly "I can't tell you yet, I haven't even finished my last two." Groaning I rolled my eyes and lent my elbow utop the table in waiting. "Go on then." He looked me in the eyes and said "I'm 6'1 and I have the largest wing span out of Rhys, Cas and me." Why did he look so proud of the fact that his wings are big? That's weird. Maybe I'll ask Nesta or Feyre later. "Hmm you can't be 541? Can you?" The waitress came over with our food and drinks placing them down infront of us. "Is there anything else I can get you guys tonight?" I noticed her gaze went to my wings, I'm not surprised I haven't seen anyone else with the same wing type as mine as well as the fact that they were very scared. "No that will be all. Thank you." She blushed when she saw that I had noticed her looking.

"I am in fact 541." His voice brought me out of my mind and I paled. "You're really old." He pretend glared at me but I saw the smile he was hiding. "I'm actually considered a young adult. You however are considered an infant." I laughed and he grinned at me. "Surely not an infant right?" I couldn't stop laughing while cutting up my food, "well a teenager but still." He was still grinning ear to ear. "Well what was the lie then?" Maybe I'll just ask him why wingspan matters? "I'm actually 6'3, thought that was obvious." I hummed, I have never been great at guessing height. "Why does the size of your wingspan matter though? Or was that just a fun fact?" He poured me a cup of wine before doing the same for himself. "Hmm take it how you will." He smiled mischievously and sipped his wine.

"Any other Ice breaker games you want to play?" He looked pretty interested in getting to actually know me which made me feel better. As it reassures me that the whole relationship wouldn't just be physical. "We could do 20 questions, it's as simple as it sounds," I sipped my wine swallowing while watching the city bustle below "one asks a question and the other answers and asks one of their own." He nodded cutting into his steak taking a bite while obviously thinking about what to ask. "If you could have an unlimited supply of anything for the rest of your life, what would it be?" I finished chewing while I thought, "probably beef jerky. It's my favourite snack. What's your go to drink order?" I figured if I asked a question like his drink order I can remember it and store it away for later use.

He thought for a while but eventually answered "usually I just order what the majority would like" explains why he somehow ordered my favourite wine "but my favourite drink would have to be The Manhattan although I rarely order it."

So the night went on, jokes and questions thrown about here and there. It had been hours since dinner and I started to suspect that the shop was staying open purely for us. "I think we should probably head off, I wouldn't want to keep the staff waiting any longer to shut up shop. Lord knows I hated it." Azriel agreed and offered me his hand. Once again we were swallowed by his shadows. I didn't know where he was taking me but I didn't particularly care. Tonight had been the most fun I've had in years. That's saying something as I've lived thousands of lives. The shadows faded and we were still on a cliff. From what I could tell we were on the other side of the city, up high but the sound of the joyful citizens still reaching out ears.

We sat on the edge of the cliff watching the world bellow, just enjoying the breeze and the night sky. "I had a really good time tonight." I broke the comfortable silence, "I did too." We sat there a while longer, our sides brushing up against each other. Finally I reached for his arm and looped mine through it, holding on gingerly.

"I think...we should do this again sometime." In response he smiled brighter than I had seen him smile before, "I would like that." We sat there for an hour until I started to doze off. I don't remember being brought back home only that I had been placed gently into my bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2023 ⏰

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