- 24 - suitcase -

Start from the beginning

he sighed heavily, and it was a sigh weighed down with emotion. freyja noticed his change in mood, and looked up at his unreadable expression. "what are we doing?" he asked, looking down at freyja as he stood up and sat on the edge of his bed. 

"what do you mean? we're packing," freyja spoke like the answer was obvious, but it clearly wasn't the one matt was looking for. he stared aimlessly out of the window as he began to speak.

"you know that's not what i mean. why are we dancing around each other like this?" he finally turned to look at freyja. she was standing to the left of him, looking confused. 

he sighed again, and stood up. matt closed the door and then began to pace. freyja watched him as he walked around the room, back and forth, back and forth. "matt-" she began to say, but shut her mouth as matt stopped directly in front of her.

"you know what im talking about freyja! i cant do this anymore! i wanna be your friend but you keep giving me all these mixed signals and then i start to feel......things. and I've never felt this way before! its like, one minute your sleeping in my bed with me, and the next your saying your so happy you could kiss me and you don't! i don't know what to think. im just....so confused." matt trailed off, looking down as freyja took his hands in hers. she smiled softly.

"this isn't how i wanted this to go. im sorry I've been giving you mixed signals. I've just been going through a lot - and i know it isn't an excuse - but i just need a friend. i don't know if being anything more is the greatest idea right now." matt sighed, looking back up. freyja was looking down at their joint hands, but she looked up as matt moved one of his to touch the soft hair on her neck.

her breath hitched in her throat. when matt looked back at her, they were staring at each other. they were so close that if freyja leaned in even the tiniest bit more, their noses would touch. were they even breathing?

"matt i-" she stopped as matt moved his hand to touch her cheek. he closed his eyes. "don't say anything." he whispered, and freyja tentatively reached up to run a hand over matts cheek. she could feel the tiniest bit of stubble near his chin, but his cheeks were soft and smooth. her eyes flicked between his lips and his eyes. and his eyes.....they were so blue, so piercing blue that she felt them in her soul.

freyja looked up to meet matts eyes, and he smiled at her softly, using his other hand to brush a strand of hair out of her eyes. he leaned in so that their noses were touching. freyja held her breath, neither of them daring to breathe. he tipped his head forward so that their foreheads were touching, and moved his hand to hold the one that was cupping his face. freyja closed her eyes, letting out a soft breath, and matt took the time to admire her face. her smooth skin, piercing green eyes, and soft-looking lips. 

matt leaned back a tiny bit so that their foreheads were no longer touching, and freyja opened her eyes. they stared at each other for a minute that felt like an eternity.

and then

freyja closed the distance between them, connecting her lips with his. matt sighed into the kiss, pulling her closer and wrapping an arm around her waist. freyja kept her hands on his face, but after a few secons she pulled away. 

"matt, i don't know if i can do this," she said, looking down.

"but, this? right now? can you do it?" he spoke softly, tipping her face back up with his fingertips.

"yes," she breathed, and matt connected their lips again. this time, freyja smiled into the kiss, and matt closed his eyes.  they stayed like that for a minute or so, not thinking, just feeling, until freyja pulled away, leaning her forehead against matts. his eyes were still closed, and his breathing was still ragged.

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