- 19 - blanket -

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it was thursday night. freyja sat on her bed, looking out the window. her airpods were in her ears, and lana del ray was playing at full blast. she was wearing plaid pajama pants and an oversized t-shirt. freyja's parents were getting divorced tomorrow at 11:00 sharp. her mom had texted her with the details and zoom link, but freyja wasn't ready for this to happen.

she had just closed her eyes and began to hum absentmindedly to young and beautiful when she felt the bed dip beside her. looking over, she saw matt sitting next to her, looking out the window at the softly falling snow. she pulled her airpods out and stopped her music. 

freyja and matt hadn't spoken since the other day when matt had taken her back to the villa while everyone else went for a walk. once they had returned, freyja had got straight into the shower, then slept for most of the day after. 

matt looked over at her. "we are all going for dinner in the next town over. are you coming?" freyja shook her head, and matt nodded his head in understanding.

"how are you doing?" his question took freyja by surprise, and she eyed him suspiciously.

"i don't know," she answered truthfully, and matt nodded again, taking her hand in his. butterflies began to swirl around in freyjas stomach again, and she looked up, seeing matt's blue eyes boring into hers. in a movement that took her completely by surprise, matt lifted her hand up to his lips and brushed his lips against the back of it. the kiss was so soft that freyja almost didn't feel it. she drew in a sharp intake of breath, and matt gently let go of her hand. he stood up and began to walk out of the room. as he got to the door, he turned back to look at freyja. "call me if you need anything," he said, before smiling and closing the door softly behind him.

freyja looked down at her hand that rested on the covers beside her, exactly as matt had left it. she had no idea why matt had done that, and it seemed very out of character for him. but nevertheless, freyja's butterflies were back, and she took that as a sign that something was going on.

sighing softly, she climbed under her covers and picked up her book. freyja shuffled around for a minute, not being able to get comfortable. the bed didn't feel or smell right, and for some odd reason, it felt cold and empty. her eyes roamed around the room looking for a blanket or something but stopped when she saw matts unmade bed. it looked so much more comfortable than hers. she knew she shouldn't, but being comfy was a priority at the moment. sighing, she grabbed her book, airpods, and phone, and hesitantly walked over to matt's bed. right before she was about to climb under the covers, freyja raced back to the window to make sure the car was gone. it was, and the house was quiet.

 hearing a scratching at the door, she opened it and scooped trevor up into her arms, before climbing into matt's bed. she pulled the covers right up to her face and inhaled the scent of matts cologne and a mixture of cinnamon and mint. trevor settled himself at the end of the bed. matts bed was much more comfortable than hers and didn't feel cold or empty. it felt warm and full. a red and white blanket sat crumpled on the floor near the bed, and freyja picked it up, spreading it over the covers. 

freyja planned to read her book in matts bed for a bit, and then get up and grab some food. by the time everyone got back, no one would know that she had been in matts bed, least of all matt himself.

but, of course, freyjas carefully devised plan failed. ten minutes later, freyja was fast asleep, with her book laying on her chest.

but it wasn't weird that she was in matts bed, was it? she doubted that if he found out he would mind, and if he did, he would get over it. so it wasn't weird or strange, was it?

when matt walked into the room he shared with freyja that night, the first thing he noticed was that freyja wasn't in her bed. he hadn't seen her in the lounge or kitchen, and had assumed she was sleeping. his eyes roamed around the dark room, frowning when he didnt see her. he walked over to his bed and switched on the lamp. matt gasped in surprise when he saw the sleeping figure in his bed. she had the covers pulled right up to her chin, and his favorite blanket was spread over her body. her book lay on her chest, and she was twisted around so that she was facing him. she sighed softly in her sleep, and trevor shifted from his place by her feet.

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