➴ chapter seven, 83 days.

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it has been two days since dottore had heard of your disappearance

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it has been two days since dottore had heard of your disappearance. he got the full story, or he hopes he did, from thomas which made him useless to him. thomas didn't do his simple task and made dottore lose his love, so obviously, his "contract" has come to an "end." a very nice "end", to dottore, if he says so himself. one with ... a lot of blood and guts, just the ending thomas deserved for being so neglectful.

though, today, dottore plans on putting that empty room in the tsaritsa's palace to good use. it's the meeting hall, that hardly is ever used. if the harbingers needed a meeting, they'd just speak to each other in the living quarters. the hall was only ever used for meeting of at most importance, or whenever the tsaritsa wished to be involved with decisions. and your disappearance? the most important thing to him.

he left his clones to carry on his research, which he'll just revise and review the notes once the time comes for him to see what the clones had done. so, technically, he can do both of his goals at the same time. locating you and keeping you alive with the ideals of turning you into a god.

his mind was spiraling, in all honesty. sure, he's gone days without seeing you and he was fine, because he knew you were safe. now, he has no clue. no closure. you could've been kidnapped, could've wandered off into the forest looking for the crying child and froze to death. so many things could've happened to you. and he'll never know until he locates you.

he decided that bringing the matter straight to the tsaritsa was wise, as she has always favored you above all. she's a gentle and kind goddess, you're a gentle and kind human. the two of you were bound to bond with one another. she was like the mother you never had, or never told dottore about. she took you under her wing quickly, as she had done with childe, while dottore took you into his hand.

he would've taken you in other ways, as in your hand in marriage but dottore was always too nervous to propose. he's had a ring picked out for you, for ages. it's your favorite gemstone and {preferred metal type [gold/silver]} and it cost him .. a fortune, but you deserved the best to him. and now he might not even get the chance to propose.

he's thought about it, several times. about what he'd plan out for you to make it special. or where'd he do it, but it doesn't matter now. you're missing. you're not by his side, not within his reach. he misses you already.

dottore stands in front of the tsaritsa's room as his mind wanders about all the different what ifs. he's never actually brought an issue straight to her before, it's always been that he solved it on his own or brought it to pierro - his only superior. however, this situations special. it's different. it's more urgent.

he slowly pushes the door open, calling out to her that he'd be entering. he didn't knock, he hadn't thought of doing so.

  "zandik, hello," the tsaritsa speaks with her usual fair and kind tone. oh, how her heart's full of nothing but love and desire for peace - which she quite literally, started a war for, "what do you need, sweet child?"

she sat on her throne with her legs crossed over one another. she wore the dress pierro had gifted her years ago, as her icy eyes look down at the man before her.

  "my moon is missing," he speaks out to her. he tries his best to maintain a stable sounding voice, as to not signal to the tsaritsa about the hurt he's experiencing.

  "... y/n? they're missing, my child?" the tsaritsa takes a moment to speak, but her voice wavers once she starts, "you're entirely sure?"

"yes, fair lady... a useless drone had told me he took them outside and left them alone," dottore answers her as he watches her rise from her throne.

"... how unwise," she states. it's clear she wished to say something else, however, she refused to insult her 'loyal subjects', "gather the rest of you, my child. i will see it's taken care of."

if she had been bothered by the news, she didn't reveal it to dottore. a weak goddess wouldn't be the best look to show, anyhow. especially not to one that hates the gods to begin with.

dottore loathes the archons with every fiber of his being, but the situation called for her intervention. he would investigate the area himself and try to put small clues together, but he had his doubts that any evidence would remain.

in snezhnaya, wind storms are prominent. it's not rare to have strong winds blow through the area and pick up snow, hurling it to some other place. it also isn't rare for those same, exact, winds to cause below freezing temperatures. the evidence of your disappearance would most likely be long gone by now, unless there were elemental traces left behind.

elemental traces. they're the traces that're nearly impossible to dispose of, especially with the natural elements. they're the remains of when those with visions, or khnarie'ah descendants, use their elemental abilities. though, with the descendants, their presence is often enough; especially abyss mages, to create elemental traces. those would remain in the snow, unlike other traces of evidence.

   "of course, lady tsaritsa," dottore speaks quickly. deep down, his mind is spiraling, but again, he'd never reveal that to an archon. he'd much rather keep the same expressions he's known for instead of being seen as weak for being worried.

  "it'll be okay, my child. we shall find them, i will see it's done myself."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2023 ⏰

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