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It had been awhile since Beck and Jade had went outside to see if it was safe for Tori and Andre. "Where are they, do they remember that we're here?" Tori asked Andre. "I hope so, but I am going out there to see." Andre said. "I am going with you." Tori said. "It's not safe Tori, I can't let you get hurt, stay here please." Andre said. "No, Andre I want to be with you no matter what." Tori said.

"Ok, come on." He told her, he always gave into her but the way she looks at him to get what she wants is one of the reasons he fell in love with her. They got outside and held hands and stuck close together, there was no way he was letting Tori out of his sight. "Andre, do you really think something bad will happen to Beck and Jade?" Tori asked him. "No, we'll find them, or I guess I should say I will find them." Andre said. "Andre, we're supposed to be looking for-." She couldn't finish her sentence because she passed out.

"Awww, look how beautiful she is, I get how you fell for her." The guy wearing a cloaking device to look like Andre as he put an unconscious Tori next to a weak and badly beaten Andre said. "W-what did you d-do to her?" Andre asked barely able to keep his eyes opened because he was in so much pain. "Don't worry she's alive, for now." The evil man said, Andre finally passed out from the pain that he was in. Beck and Jade were there too but they were awake just tied up and gagged so they couldn't scream for help. "The boss is going to love his presents." The evil man said.

A little while before Jade, Beck, Andre, and Tori got trapped or kidnapped technically. Beck and Jade were making sure it was safe for Tori and Andre but they heard a rustling noise and were attacked before they could get back to Andre and Tori. Next the real Andre went to look for Beck and Jade while Tori was in the bathroom. That's when a bunch of guys attacked him, he tried to fight back but there were too many of them so he got badly beaten. "Once I have your girlfriend then we're going to see the boss." The evil man Told Andre. "No, Stay Away from Tori, s- she will never go with you." Andre said. "She will if she thinks I'm you." The evil man told him.

And that's how all of them got captured. Tori and Andre began to wake up. "Andre, you're hurt." Tori said. She put a hand on his bruised cheek and he flinched a little. "Tori, I'm sorry, I should have stayed in the RV with you so he wouldn't have got to you." Andre said. "Shhh, it's ok we're together now, Andre, I should of known he wasn't you but the way he was acting was so like you, especially when he told me to stay in the RV knowing I wouldn't." Tori said. Tori knew that the guy was bringing them to his boss who was probably going to kill all of them.

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