Aizawa asks a favor.

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"Hey Y/n I need a favor." You looked up from the book you were reading under a tree on the UA grounds. Aizawa stood in front of you. His long hair slightly waving in the breeze, His hands in his pockets,  and a small smile on his face. "Sure! What is it?" You asked. "Well me and mic are going on a mission. We won't be back until about 10:00 pm if everything goes well and we need someone to watch Eri cause Shinso's catching up on homework and everyone else ether already has plans or I couldn't find them." " of course I'll watch Eri!" You said excitedly. "She's the sweetest. We'll have so much fun!" "Good." Aizawa said. His smile growing and a little bit of blush appearing on his face. He knew Eri would be safe with you. You were his class mate back in the day and even back then he knew he could trust you with anything. "I feel much better about leaving Eri now that I know she's with a pro hero and assistant teacher here at UA." He gave you a couple rules and walked away. A couple minutes later you went up to his door and knocked. Shinso opened the door. "Hello Ms. Y/n come in." "Thank you, Shinso." You said. "Eri is in her room down the hall last door on the right. Please try to keep her as quiet as possible so I can focus and I'll be in my room right next door to Eri's if you have a question." "Thank you young man. I'll try." You then walked down the hall to Eri's room. "Knock knock. Is Eri in here?" You said opening the door a bit. Eri looked over to you. "Ms. Y/n!" She said jumping up and running over to give you a big hug. "I was just about to play tea party with my dolls. Wanna play?" "Sure Eri I would love to." You replied. You two played tea party for a while before deciding on a movie and some popcorn. "I'll pick the movie!" Eri said, jumping up and down. "Ok. I'll make the popcorn and some hot drinks for us." You added. On the way out to the kitchen you stopped by Shinso's room. "Knock knock." "Oh  hey. What is it?" He asked. "Me and Eri were going to watch a movie and I wanted to see if you wanted a hot drink." You answered. "Sure. A hot chocolate would be nice." He said smiling. "Coming right up!" You went over to the kitchen and started making the drinks. Eri had already told you she wanted apple cider. (Haha, apple.) "Eri have you found the movie you wanna watch?" You asked. "No. I'm stuck between Frozen and Tangled." She replied. You giggled. "Well I'm taking Shinso his drink." "Ok!" Eri said smiling. You walked over to Shinso's door and knocked. "Come in." You heard him say. You opened the door and walked in. "Hey Shin. Brought you your drink!" You said cheerfully. "Thanks!" He replied with a smile. "No problem. Oh and we are watching ether Frozen or Tangled." "Well I am almost done with my homework and then I'll come to." "Good!" You replied happily. You left his room and walked over to the living room. "Ms. Y/n! I wanna watch Tangled." Eri said with a smile. "Ok." You replied. Eri sat down on the couch and started the movie while you started making the popcorn. "Why is she hiding the golden flower?" Eri asked as you sat down beside her. "Because she's selfish." You answered. Eri grabbed some popcorn. "It's crunchy." She said smiling. "So what we watchin'?" "Shinso!" Eri yelled. He sat down beside Eri. "Tangled, eh?" "Yep Eri picked it herself." You added. The movie went by quickly and by the time it finished Eri was fast asleep. Shinso picked her up and took her to bed. "Well I better go to bed to. Can't catch up to 1A if I'm to tired." He said as he walked into his room. "Night." "Night." You replied. Soon Aizawa returned. "Thanks again for doing this Y/n. I really appreciate it." "Anytime. Eri was an angel." You smiled. Aizawa's face grew red and he tried to hide it in his scarf. You giggled. "How can I repay you?" He asked.

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"Pro hero Eraser Head has got a girlfriend and fangirls everywhere are jealous."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08 ⏰

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