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                                                          JUST ONE WISH

Ever wished you had the powers to read minds? To understand emotions and the meanings behind those silent words? I do. 

If only I could read between lines and see the truth behind those white lies. Life would be so much simpler. I wouldn't have to sit for hours at a stretch wondering whether I am doing the right thing or not. Wondering whether I am making a mistake by letting him in my life again or not. I wish there was a direct communication line with God. Or if it already exists, I wish I had more faith in it. I would send in a question and get a crystal clear answer that would solve all my doubts. 

If nothing else, I wish I would get the answers from the very person responsible for the million doubts.

If only he could pull me away from the darkness into the bright sunshine, I would show him how beautiful a friendship can be. Especially ours. But only if he spoke to me. I also wish I had the courage to confront him. 

But everytime I try, his indifference pulls me down. I wish he didn't have that effect on me. Because I don't want to be weak. I don't want his reactions to dictate me. I don't want to be a different person because he can't seem to accept me the way I am. Then again, I don't want to loose him this time. 

There are so many things I wish for, from being a magician to a brave soul, but if you look closely, it all comes down to just one wish..

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