"Dustin. Dustin! Dustin!" Steve yells out, having heard him.

"Dustin!" Ivy yells out as well.

"Dustin! Dustin! Can you hear me?" Steve shouts.

The others listen a little closer and that's when they hear it. Dustin's voice.

Then they all start yelling for him and looking around.

"All right, either this kid can't hear us or he's being a total douchbag." Steve says.

"Will found a way." Nancy says, looking around the room.

While she said that, Ivy went towards the kitchen and looked at the light. She put her hand closer to it and felt it tickling but she didn't know why. She has never had to communicate with someone outside the Upside Down when she was stuck here. However, she did know that Will spoke through the lights.

"What?" Steve asks.

"Will. He found a way to  speak to Joyce through the lights." Nancy says.

"Guys." Eddie says, noticing Ivy over by the kitchen. He noticed that when her hand went closer to the light than it would light up. He knew she had figured it out but he didn't understand why the others hadn't noticed it.

Nancy ignores Eddie and walks over to the lights. She tries the lamps on the side and the light switch but nothing worked.

"It's not working." She huffs in frustration.

"Guys!" Eddie shouts, having enough of being ignored.

"What?" Steve asks.

"I think you're girlfriend cracked it." Eddie says, pointing over to Ivy who was messing with the lights in the kitchen. They all looked over and saw her flickering them on and off when she touched them.

"Ivy." Steve says.

"Yeah?" She says, looking over her shoulder to him and noticing that they were all looking at her.

"Cracked it?" He asks her.

"Um, yeah. You just have to put your hand close to the light." She says, walking over to him.

They all go into the dining room and Steve shines his torch up to the light. When he shines it towards it he sees a shimmer surrounding the light.

"Guys? You seeing this?" He asks them.

They all move closer to the light like it was drawing them in with how pretty it is. Ivy puts her hand up to it first, knowing that it doesn't hurt and it only tickles. Steve goes next, trusting his girlfriend. The others follow their lead, knowing that it won't hurt them when they see the smiles on the couple's faces.

When they all put their hands in, the light grows brighter. Each time a new person adds their hand, the light brightens.

"It...tickles." Steve says.

"It kinda feels good." Robin says and Eddie laughs with her.

"Does anyone know Morse code?" Nancy asks.

"No." Robin and Steve say.

"Wait, does SOS count? Is that...Is that good?" Eddie asks.

"Yeah. And Hopper taught me and El so we could communicate through the radio." Ivy says.

Eddie and Ivy work together. Eddie stays in the dining room and Ivy goes over to the light that is above where Dustin is the loudest. Together they send a SOS message through the lights in perfect harmony.

In Hawkins, the light above the table they were talking on started to flicker as did the one to their left. They got up and faced the two of them. At first they thought it was Vecna but then Dustin looked and noticed it was Morse code. It was an SOS.

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