Chapter 96

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3rd POV:

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3rd POV:

They got to the house and Nancy took the lead, as it was her house. The entire building was covered in vines but they weren't really on the floor. They covered the furniture, the walls and the ceilings but not so much the floor. It was a bonus for them as it made it easier to move around without stepping on any of them.

They all caustiously followed behind Nancy as she stepped inside first. When they were all inside they looked around and were shocked by the difference between the house here and the one in Hawkins.

Ivy and Steve stepped into the dining room and were looking around as Robin spoke.

"Might be time to get a maid, Wheeler." Robin says.

"Come on. I don't want to stay here longer than we have to." Nancy says, heading up the stairs.

Robin and Eddie follow behind her and Steve and Ivy were about to but Steve stopped when Ivy grabbed his arm.

"Do you hear that?" She asks him.

"What?" He asks her.

"Dustin." She says, looking around the room.

He listens closer and that was when he heard it. Henderson's voice.

Smiles lit up both of their features at the thought of possibly being able to talk to Dustin as he would be able to help them find a way out of here. He's smart like that.

They ran around the kitchen and dining room area calling out to Dustin hoping he would answer back but he didn't. The others came back downstairs and looked at them like they were insane.

"Dustin! Dustin!" The two of them yell, which is what catches the attention of the others in the first place.

"Dustin!" Ivy yells.

"Can you hear me? Dustin!" Steve yells. "Du--Hello? Hel...Hello?" Steve yells out as he looks around the room. Ivy stopped when she saw the others come down and look at them like they were crazy.

"Maybe he really does have rabies." Robin says to Nancy.

"Hello! Hello?" Steve continues to yell out.

"Steve!" Ivy shouts, trying to get him to notice the others. He stops and turns to look at her and then he realises that they are not alone.

"What are you doing?" Nancy asks them.

Steve shines his torch at the four of them making them shield their eyes because of how bright it is in their surroundings.

"He's here." Ivy says and they look at her like they need more explaination.

"Henderson. That little shit, he's here. He's like...He's in the walls or something." Steve explains to them.

"Just listen." Ivy tells them. They all go silent for a moment and then Steve hears him again.

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