14. Birthday Gone Wrong

Start from the beginning

"Fine. I'm going to get ready for class," I went back inside the dorm.

"I'll get ready with you. We can eat breakfast together," Sinclair advised before running into her own bathroom.

I stood still, contemplating in my mind on when I should tell Enid we can no longer be friends. I have to hurt her feelings. That way she can stay away from me and avoid being in danger. It's the only way.

I'm so sorry, Enid.


Third Person

"Happy birthday Wednesday!" Wednesday's friends exclaimed.

Bianca was in between the group with a black cake and lit up candles. A grim reaper figurine is settled on top of the dessert with a black balloon. Written on the cake with frosting is Happy sixteenth birthday Wednesday! Xavier, Bianca, Kent, Divina, Yoko, Ajax, Eugene, and Thing were gathered around inside of Crackstone's crypt. Enid brought Wednesday over to surprise her. The psychic didn't realize that her friends knew about her birthday being today.

"We won't be singing the birthday song since Enid told us you hate it," the queen bee approached Wednesday, holding out the cake to her.

"Make a wish Wednesday," Enid instructed cheerfully.

The Addams nodded and pinched the tip of the candles with her fingers to execute the small fire. Her friends expected her to blow out the flame but were amazed that she used her index finger and thumb to turn off the fire completely.

"I did not predict you would do that," the artist was stunned.

Xavier's statement made everyone laugh besides the raven girl. Though, the corner of her lips twitched upward fast enough before anyone could see it.

"Let's eat some cake and finally celebrate. Grab the drinks Ajax," the vampire ordered the gorgon boy.

"You got it boss," Petropolus gave Yoko a thumbs up before marching to grab two glass bottles of apple cider.

"This is what you planned for me?" Wednesday questionably gazed at her roommate.

"Yup! I was thinking that this probably would make you feel better after what happened yesterday," Enid gave her a reassuring smile as Thing tapped happily on her shoulder with his party hat on.

"It will only take my mind off it for a little while."

"That's better than nothing. Now come on! You need to enjoy your birthday while it lasts," the lycan grasp Wednesday's sleeve, bringing her along.

The girls went to pick up a slice of cake from Bianca and Yoko, then a plastic wine glass with sparkling apple cider from Ajax. From there on, everyone was taking pleasure from the small party. Even Wednesday felt a tad bit comfortable and loosened up. The birthday girl started a conversation with each of her friends. Most of them asked her about Tyler in which they were saddened to hear the news about her and Enid's plan being unsuccessful.

Overall, they moved on to a different topic and brought up school and old memories. Sinclair, on the other hand, was excited and nervous at the same time as she watched Wednesday communicate with their friends. The reason why is because of her gift that she will give to her roommate when they are alone in their room.

Enid is nervous because she's overthinking that Wednesday would dislike it. She is also excited that her classmate will have the same feeling as Enid does for her once the psychic reads her friend's love letter. The lycanthrope has somewhat of high hopes that her gift and feelings will be accepted. After all, the two opposite teens have grown closer during the months they spent together in Nevermore.

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