Chapter 12

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The first time she took a shower at Elvis' place, Carol Ann had been afraid. Though maybe afraid wasn't the right word but she couldn't think of a better one. Don't lock the door honey, he'd said, just trust me not to come in.

She didn't lock it and he didn't come in; not that time and not the time after or the time after that. And she knew that at this point she really ought to trust him in that regard. Her stomach shouldn't be a tangle of nerves; in fact it hadn't been last time but today the apprehension had returned. Releasing a shuttering sigh, Carol Ann shed her clothing and turned on the hot water on full blast, causing the bathroom to fill with steam. She stepped inside, letting the water beat down on her. She washed her hair and scrubbed her body for longer than anyone would deem necessary but her nerves refused to settle.

Carol Ann heard the sound of the door creaking open and her heart skipped a beat when Elvis stepped in. He wordlessly crossed the distance between them while she brought her hands up to cover her breasts. Elvis drew back the shower curtain, blue eyes roaming her figure.

"You said that you wouldn't come in," Carol Ann squeaked, hating the tone of her voice.

"I did. Guess this time I just couldn't help it. You know every time you come in here-" he trailed off, reaching behind her to switch off the water. "-every time you come in here to take a shower I lay out there just...wantin' you to..."

"Wantin' me to what?" Carol Ann managed when he didn't continue.

"Maybe invite me in or somethin' like that."

He knew how she felt about it because she spoke about it at length. She couldn't do this because she knew where it would lead to and she wasn't that type of girl. She knew what was right and what wasn't and sex before marriage certainly wasn't though they had more close calls than she cared to admit. She'd push him away and while it never seemed like he was trying to get her to do anything she wasn't comfortable with, he would just keep on trying. He spoke about marriage but was yet to show her an engagement ring.

He talks the talk but won't walk the walk, her mother would say, if she knew. Of course if she did Carol Ann would be placed on house arrest despite her age.

She didn't know about true love, or whatever it might be like, but she did know that every stolen moment of theirs was savored and replayed during the rest of her day, when time flew by and when time stood still.

She wasn't going to do this, but then she gazed into the ocean of his eyes and she could no longer think straight. It was no longer a choice. She let him kiss her, let their tongues mingle under condensing steam, igniting that feeling in her chest; the one that made her believe that she could fly even without leaving the ground. His hands ran over her collar bone, stopping to mingle at her breasts. Sometimes he'd nuzzle his face in between them like a small child and she would run her fingers through his hair before playfully shoving him away.

Soft mumbles crossed Elvis' lips in between kisses, unintelligible but endearing all the same. His fingers traced her spine, fondling each bump of the bones and cartilage while her own hands memorized the movement of his muscles.

His heart beat frantically under her palms as she maneuvered his shirt over his head. He then moved on to his pants, her hands joining his automatically in order to speed up the process. He crushed their naked bodies together. Her senses were thrown into overload, numbing her mind like she was drunk.

Suddenly she couldn't help but pour her pent up passion into a kiss, nor could she keep her hands still. They slid across his skin in search of something she would never understand.

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