
Can you see me or am i dreaming

Can you change me or am i difficult

cause if your not coming oh well but you'll still be On my mind.

"That was so good, tell me who was it about?" Said Liam quite concerned. "Ummm". i froze i didn't want to tell but than again i don't want to lie to my best friend. "umm its about, its about" i couldn't think of something else to say but i was cut of by Liam. "is it about a person" he said "yeah its about somebody" i want to tell him but i don't because i don't want to ruin our friendship. "NIALL, LIAM WE'RE PLAYING TRUTH OR DARE" yelled Louis. "wanna play" said Liam with a smile of his face. "ok ill play" i said with a happy voice.

Louis POV

i yell out to Liam and Niall and told them that we are playing truth or dare. I saw Liam walk out of Nialls room. hmm what were those two up to. Then i see Niall walk out. "what did you two get up too" i said raising my eyebrows at Niall but he just glared at me. "Oh nothing really i just heard Niall singing and playing his guitar so i went in and asked if he could play one of his songs, they are really good. But he wouldn't tell me who they are about". Said Liam sounding happy. Wait what. Liam can't figure out that Nialls songs are about him. I turned to face everyone and they looked shocked. their mouths were in a 'O' shape. "So are we playing or not" said Niall. "oh yeah right the game" i said trying to forget how shocked everyone was.

"Niall......Truth Or Dare" i said with a evil grin on my face.

"Dare" he said. i was surprised

"Oh Ok" i said. I looked at everyone and they nodded. Because i told them that i had a dare up my sleeve for Niall.

"I dare you to.........kiss Liam" i said with a evil grin. He glared at me.

Nialls POV

Louis just dared me to kiss Liam. Why did i tell them. i wish i told Perrie and Eleanor only. So i went over and sat next to Liam. I smiled but it faded quickly. I put my hands on his shoulder and leaned closer. We were inches a part but as i was about to close the gap between us but Liam does it. His hands found my waist. Liam's lips are so soft. I pulled away.

"I I'm g going to bed" i said stuttering. Everyones eyes followed me when i walked away. they looked shocked but i don't care.

Liam's POV

Louis dared Niall to kiss me. Niall walked over to me and put his hands on my shoulder. He was about to close the gap between us but i did it. I found his waist and place my hands on them. He pulled away, way to quick my liking. Oh did i mention i have a thing for Niall, but I'm afraid that if i tell him our friendship will be over. So after pulling away Niall got up and stuttered his words. Everyone looked shocked but i don't care.

I've only told the girls that i like him because i trust them, not like the boys i cant trust them with any secrets. i got up walked to my room i was thinking about the song he sang to me. Im trying to figure out who's its about.

you have Bright eyes

and light hair

you can take me anywhere

your hot im cold

would you give me your jacket Oh

hmm Your hot I'm cold would you give me your jacket. hmm a girl usually gets the guys jacket so it cant be a girl. I heard a knock on the door and they entered. it was Eleanor and Perrie. "Hey Li" they said, "hi guys" i said into my pillow. Eleanor started talking, " Li you should talk to Niall"

"about what El" i said confused. "you should tell him how you feel about him" said Perrie, they sound worried. "but what if he doesn't feel the same". "trust us Liam, you have to tell him, after you've done that you'll be thankful of us" Eleanor said. i got up and walked to Nialls room. i entered.

"Hey Ni, I i need to T tell you something" i said stuttering the words. "sure you can tell me anything" he said brightly. "umm how do i put this, well for a couple of months now i have had these feelings and i didn't know what it was but now i do. I love you Niall", i said and saying the last sentence quietly whilst look down at my hands. Next minute i feel a pair of warm arms around me so i looked up and saw Niall hugging me. "I love you too Liam" he whispered into my ear i smiled like crazy. "truth or dare Niall" i said whispering into Nialls ear. "Dare" he said. i looked at Niall in the eyes and said " I dare you to Love Me, Hug me, kiss me, hold my hand, Niall James Horan do you want to be my boyfriend". "Oh course i will Liam" he said with a massive grin on his face.

Nialls POV

Oh My God im finally Liams. i gave him a passionate kiss on the Lips and walked out of the room. "Um Niall" "Yeah Li" "Who were those songs about?" "they were about you" "oh ok thx". We walked down stairs and saw everyone down there. they stopped and stared at us.

"Its about time" said Louis

"time for what" i said

"time that you two were together, you left the door open so we were listening". said Louis

i blushed and sat on the sofa. we put a movie on and i cuddled up to Liam. i would have to be the luckiest person ever.

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