Chapter one

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*** All knowledge is Anime only and in some cases entirely made up for story purposes!! I have yet to catch up with the manga***

Jujutsu sorcerers ran in a long line within your family, generation before you fought valiantly against cursed spirits. they were brave noble people, recognized by all. Yet one generation of your family had turned the tide becoming traitors to jujutsu tech. Your Brother Suguru Geto was a strange one. he despised humans without the ability to use cursed energy and often referred to them as 'Monkeys'. He hated even so much as being in their presence and for you, he was a massive thorn in the side. You wanted oh so desperately to go back to the way things were. you wanted to be on the 'good side' once again, but you were also not naive. You knew that the line between the good side and the bad side was vastly warped. Nothing is black and white and although you did not completely understand it you knew that something was not right with what you were doing, it seemed wrong.

That was why you were going to run.

Your brothers tight leash on you meant it would not make it easy and the many other factors that you were facing also made it seem impossible but you were stubborn and you were a fighter.

"Dear sister. Come with me." you were sitting in the tea room of the building your brother had prepared for you both to live in. it was more like a prison for you as you never got to leave.

"Geto. i didn't expect you to be home so early." You were slightly panicked internally wondering if he could hear your thoughts, which you new was impossible but you were so afraid of your own brother finding out you planned to betray him and your entire family to leave this cursed place.

A strange cursed spirit came in through the door behind him that made you fall back from the cushion you were sitting on, onto the tatami floor.

"Stop bringing those things here."

"It cannot be helped, they follow me as a leader."

"Well as their leader can you tell them to leave, I hate them being here."

"Dear sister this is exactly why I must keep you here. As your brother, I have a duty to protect your fragile and innocent mind from the disgusting Monkeys."

"But, are the monkeys really so bad?." His look, if it could have killed you you would be six foot under.

"They are Vile, Disgusting and Vengeful creatures. How dare you even question me." you found yourself cowering a little into the corner. you crawled into the corer of the room afraid that he may attack you... again.

"Brother, You are scaring me."

"[Your name], The monkeys are the enemy here, and so are those ridiculous sorcerers at jujutsu tech." You missed being at jujutsu tech with everything in your being. even though you were not a student there for reasons you used to spend a lot of time there as your family was always around there. "Your condition means that you cannot be outside, so please close the window." You nod your head and do as your told.

"Geto, I read in a book once that doctors can help with many different things due to scientific advancements. maybe they will be able to help me. if you just let me leave for one day and i will be able to get help. Then maybe i could go outside again."

"I brought you those dreadful things because you begged me for them. do not let me take them off of you. They have already warped your fragile mind."

"No... not at all. I'm sorry. i.... I overstepped."

"you would have been cast aside as a baby had it not been for me. i give you clothes and food and a roof over your head and I even gave you life when you were almost cast aside by your family. You owe me your entire life. never forget it." he was correct if it was not for Geto you would have been disposed of as a baby. you found yourself getting emotional as you remembered the dreadful childhood you had and found it hard to breathe. your airways closed up and you found yourself gasping for breath. trying desperately to get your act together and begging your body to let you breathe.

"your sickness. It's acting up again. see this is why we don't talk about the outside. there is no doctor in the world who can cure your allergies to the Monkeys." you gasped desperately. trying to pull a deep breath but nothing worked. you held your chest and found yourself cowered in the corner. drawing air but never managing a breath. you felt like it was impossible. Like you would never breathe again. the panic that was setting in only got worse as time went on so you covered your head with your hands and let yourself cry while trying desperately to catch your breath still. "Come here." You felt yourself being lifted and as an automatic reaction you clutched into your big brother's clothes he gave you comfort. "The Monkeys can't get to you in here." "you are safe in here." "Your life is fine if you stay with your brother." all of these words came from your brother and you hugged him tightly while he held you in his arms. you sobbed uncontrollably but felt yourself being able to breathe a little better. As you wailed he stroked your hair slightly and kept repeating the same words. "You are safe at home."

You calmed down with the help of your brother and started to have serious second thoughts about running away. You always knew something was not right. You used to be absolutely fine until one day your brother brought you here after your first attack. the sudden allergy to Monkeys manifested itself shortly before and your symptoms were severe. you wondered how it was possible for something as crazy as an allergy to humans could possibly happen but your attacks and the many many times your brother had to save, you were living proof of the rear illness that only affected great jujutsu lines. You had asked Geto to tell you more when you were younger and you were never able to find anything about it in any writings. Geto only told you that your "Pathetic existence." was the reason for it and that you should be lucky you are even alive.

You grew up being unable to use cursed energy. you still had Window abilities so you were taught how to utilize these at jujutsu tech. you never attended middle or high school instead you learned window abilities and all there was to know about Jujustu's laws and world. That was until you developed the sickness and Geto locked you away.

You wondered many times where you even were and if it would even be possible to get back to Jujutsu tech. but you wanted more than anything to try.

"I will be gone for a few days. You must keep the windows closed and not step foot outside of the house."

"I... I won't brother." He set me down and that was the moment I made up my mind. I would run. even if it killed me I would run. the feeling in m,y chest telling me something was wrong, the weird pull I feel towards the outside I must try."

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