The First wublin☁︎

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'No this won't work, it can't even breath like this,' Wubbox thought to himself. He had been sitting in his lab thinking on how to design a new monster, while it should have a have a decent life with their given body. It was pretty lonely on this newly discovered island: dark, gloomy and hearing the sound of electric zapping every few seconds.

Papers fly into the air while he slams his desk in frustration: 'UGH IF RARE WUBBOX WAS HERE THINKING COULD HAVE BEEN ALOT EASIER,' as he stood up out of stress, and got a idea, a great one.

Grabbing some jars he has of monster DNA he started testing: Furcorn and Fwog DNA. As he started mixing and swirling. It started bubbling and puffing up: 'BOOM,' as he jumped out of fear. He looks at the pot and can't believe it: a green monster with long legs, the feet look like the feet of a fwog. It has no eyes but it can breath through its mouth and yellow orange looking lips. It has a small tail and Furcorn eggs on his back.

Amazed he walks closer: 'hello?'. 'Hi!' Says the green looking creature. 'What is your name?' Wubbox asks. 'I don't know, I don't have one' wubbox thinks and says: 'I will name you then! Ur name will be...... brump! Yes brump! Hello brump!'. 'I like it.. what's ur name?' Says brump. 'Wubbox!' Says the medium big robot.

'Can you sing?' Asks wubbox. 'We are the monsters we are the monsters' in a croaky crusty old voice. Wubbox looked amazed in glory and gave it a pat on the head. 'Do you want more friends?' Wubbox asked. Brump nodded and there wubbox went to make some more.

As he walked back to the lab he thought to himself: 'wub...wub...WUBLINS! YES ILL CALL THEM THE WUBLINS!' As he called it a day..

I hope you readers liked it! Also don't come for me for my universe on how Wublin island was created, I know dam well it's "wake up the wublins x2" have a nice day or night!

Tales of wublins islandWhere stories live. Discover now