Go for a fly

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A LOUD bang came from beside
Lins hammock, shaking her awake
"Agh!" She sits up, hissing at the silhouette
in front of her "Not a morning person, I get it"
she rolls her eyes pushing jake away from her
and jumping up to a tree branch.

"I am a morning person. Just not when you disturb me"
jake let out a laugh Pulling lin back beside him
"wanna go on a ride?" She stares up at him
almost falling for his tricks but she shakes her head and scoffs,
brushing past him and grabbing her pouch
"we have training jake" he leans his head back and groans
"don't you think that we could have a break? Come on it will be fun"

Truth was Lin really wanted to go on a ride with jake
But she knew she had to keep this simply professional
And just train him. She couldn't risk being around him.

"We can't I'm sorry" she pulled her arm away from him
and walked away leaving jake behind.

"Lin" The girl turns around and bumps into Tsu'tey
"ngaytxoa!" She apologises looking away in embarrassment
She hadn't spoken to him in a while. It was weird
"Are you busy" he lifts her chin with his finger to make her look at him.
His eyes moves his gaze down to her bow. Then back up to her eyes.
This time she didn't get butterflies, when Jake had done it before She felt like she was melting away.
But she doesn't get the feeling with Tsu'tey.

"No but i was supposed to train jake..."
Tsu'tey coughs looking back to my parents
Lin and Tsu'tey are ment to mate soon.
Lin had no choice but to accept and before
It didn't matter but now it's changed.

Lin looks past Tsu'tey to her parents and sighs
"Tam tam" she pushes his shoulder making him walk forward.
"What must we do?" She asks as they skip threw the village.
Tsu'tey looks back to his banshee and shrugs

The pair had been out flying all day.
Laughing and making jokes and honestly It wasn't that bad.
Lin and Tsu'tey had Always been very close but they have gotten distant
So it was good they had spent this day together.
Just to renew their friendship.

"Do you know when we are mating?"
They where perched on a small Hallelujah Mountain.
Lin leaning back against Tsu'tey as they watched the sun set.
"I don't know" he sighed bringing his hand up and cressing her hair.
She leaned further back and sighed, a small smile on her face.
"Do you remember when father was looking for us
for hours and we were hiding in a massive tree?"
Tsu'tey let out a laugh falling back onto the soft grass, pulling lin with him

Lin had her hand wrapped around Tsu'teys mouth
Holding him back, hidden in the leaves as Eytukan
Yelled for them to come out. "Lin! Tsu'tey! You skxawngs!"
The younglings chuckled in the tree as Lins father
Searched for them.

"That was a fun day" he sighed looking off into the distance
and sitting up in a quick motion "whats wrong?"
Lin asked him, leaning up and looking off past the sun
"is that- "jake?" Tsu'tey finish's her sentence as they both
stare at jake and Neytiri riding their banshees together
"Are they training?" Tsu'tey turns to Lin a questioning look on his face as he asks her
"no idea..." she shakes her head, taking her eyes off the two and laying back down.

"You okay" Tsu'tey had realised lin lied back down and joined her.
She slowly turns her head toward him and smiles "srane"

I see you ~ jake sullyWhere stories live. Discover now