"JJ you piece of mother fucking shit!"

"Looks like Kiara home." John b says with wide eyes. She's gonna kill me. Two seconds later Kiara bursts through the door for a second time today and tries to attack me. John B grabs her before she can do anything.

"What the hell has got you so riddled up?"

"Y/n told me everything and you are a pig Maybank." I stand up at her name. The look in Kiara's eyes tells me everything I need to know.

"What'd she say? Is she okay? Is she hurt?" I rambled my questions.

"Is she okay? No! She has destroyed herself for your sake and you allowed it. JJ you disgust me." Kiara practically spits at me.

"What'd she say?" Pope finally asks what we are all thinking.

"She told about when JJ gets his panties in a twist he goes to y/n to fuck his anger out." I put my head down, ashamed.

"What?" John B asks for more elaboration.

"Whenever JJ's dad beats too hard on him, he goes to y/n to fuck his anger out. Doesn't even do anything for her. When he's done, he up and leaves." Kiara explains further. She can't even look at me. Hell, I'm glad there's no mirrors in this room.

"How could you do that JJ? You know how that made her feel? Like an object just waiting to be used. She feels fucking disgusting. She's says you wouldn't even look at her. She's said you were harsh and that she can't even recognize you when you get like that."

"Where is she?" I can't listen to this from Kiara. I need to hear it from y/n.

"You have got to be the biggest dumbass on the island if you think I would tell you where she is. I don't trust you won't try something." It hurts to know my friends see me in this light but I can't blame them. The truth hurts.

"Please. You can be in the room if that helps. Just let me see her." I plead my case with Kiara. She has a battle with herself, weighing her options.

"Fine but I'm in the room at all times, you don't touch her, and you stay at one side of the room. You understand?" She reminds me of a drill sergeant in the moment. I nod my head yes but she waits for a verbal confirmation.

"Yeah I got it."

"Fine, let's go."

We drive to Kiara's place and my skin starts to itch with anxiety. I can hear my heart beat in my head and feel the sweat form on my forehead. I don't realize we arrive until Kiara slams her door shut. I run to catch up and to see y/n.

As we enter Kiara's bedroom, I can see y/n is sleeping. I go to see her when Kiara pulls me away. She plants me at the end of the bed.

"Stay. And remember my rules." I nod my head once more and put my hands in my pockets to show I don't plan on touching y/n.

Kiara goes and wakes y/n up. When she sees me, my heart breaks at the terrified look she wears.

"What is he doing here?" She thinks Kiara betrayed her by bringing me here.

"I asked her to bring me. I'm only going to stay here and my hands are staying in my pockets, okay?" I try to calm her down but it's not working.

"Kiara is going to stay here too, if that helps." I add when she looks towards Kiara in a panicked expression. I notice the cut on her cheek is cleaned and her shirt is changed. I assume the cuts on her arms and legs are cleaned as well and she shorts changed as well.

"You scare me." Her voice trembles as she says this. My heart plummets and my hands start to sweat.

"I know and sorry doesn't cut it this time. I don't think there's anything I can say right now to help fix what I did. I am so sorry."

"You used me as an outlet for your anger. You made it seem like I was nothing but an object, JJ. You don't do that to someone you care about. I would've confronted you or talked to you about what had happened. You didn't need to use me in that way."

I put my head down and stare at my feet. Her words hold such truth and such power it's hard to look her in the eyes. I do seriously and genuinely care for her. I just let that get overlapped by anger.

"I'm gonna be staying at the chateau for awhile but I can go somewhere else when you're there if you want. If you don't want to see me then I'll disappear. I don't wanna hurt you anymore."

Y/n seems surprised by my lack of fight. I shouldn't fight for someone I never deserved in the first place.

"Thank you." She mumbles still surprised. I want to kiss her but I know I shouldn't and can't go near her.

"I'm gonna head out. Feel better y/n." I don't know how you're supposed to say goodbye to the best thing in your life. Especially when you royally fucked everything.

"Bye JJ." I stop and turn to take in one last look before I leave for good. A tear slides down her cheek and my fingers itch to wipe it. I smile sadly and rush out of the house. My heart hurts and my lungs struggle to function. I rub at my chest in an attempt to stop the growing feeling of pain.

I have to get off this damn island.

In honour of OBX 3 coming out today!! (also part 2 ??)

JJ Maybank and Rudy Pankow imagines <33Where stories live. Discover now