• Chapter 4 •

Start from the beginning

I shuffle back to the position I was in and close my eyes, trying to empty my head of all thoughts. It was definitely harder to concentrate with Anakin so close to me, i don't know what it was but this boy drove me crazy.

With my mind a jumbled mess, I decided I wasn't going to be able to focus at all. Opening my eyes, I saw Anakin's beautiful blue eyes staring at me intently.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to stare." He mumbles out, sheepishly. "You're just, you're gorgeous."

I felt a blush spread throughout my face, causing me to look down. I didn't need him seeing the effects his words had on me.

"Don't say those things to me Anakin." I mumbled out, unable to look up at him.

I've only been here a week, but I knew joining the Jedi would be the only way I could make a difference in the galaxy. In that same week that I've been here I've also felt a longing to be close to this boy.

"I'm sorry, you're right. It's not the Jedi way." He shakes his head at me, seemingly trying to shake away those thoughts he was having. "Obi Wan says I often let my emotions cloud my judgement."

"Funnily enough, Billaba says I have an extremely short attention span. Kind of like a fish." I say jokingly trying to relieve some of the tension. Thankfully it worked, I got a small chuckle out of him.

"I'm glad we saved you." Anakin smiles at me, grabbing onto my hand giving it a reassuring squeeze. I smile at him, rubbing my finger against his soft skin.

"I'm glad you guys saved me too, I have a feeling this is where I was meant to be." I state without a doubt in my mind that this is where I belonged.

•————3 Months Later————•

I've been training at the Jedi temple for a few months already, learning the way of the Jedi under the guidance of Depa Billaba.

In the short 3 months that I've been here I've learned a lot and have made a lot of progress in my Padawan training. In those short months I've also grown closer to Anakin Skywalker. Closer than I'd like to admit.

If I'm being honest with myself, I was falling for him. Falling hard. It's all his fault, why did he have to be so charming? He always knew the right words, he always knew what looks to throw my way. Just being around him was intoxicating.

"Ow!" I groaned in pain, feeling a burning sensation spread throughout my right thigh. The pain quickly broke me out of my thoughts.

"I'm sorry (y/n), but if you would've been focused on training you would've been able to dodge my attack." Master Billaba looked at the burn mark on my thigh, a frown forming on her face.

"I'm sorry, Master." I groaned out, upset that I let my thoughts distract me to the point of getting myself hurt.

"Let's get that burn checked out, honestly (Y/n) where was your head?" Billaba shakes her head, attaching her lightsaber hilt to her belt. I quickly shut off mines, doing the same.

We made it to the infirmary a couple minutes later, Billaba helping me sit on one of the beds.

"Well, we were supposed to go to the council to get details on our first mission together. I guess I'll have to go myself while you get that checked out." She sighed. My ear's perked up registering what she had just said.

"I can finally head out on my first mission?" I asked excitedly. I hadn't been allowed to go on mission's yet, the council wanting me to learn more about the spiritual side of the force. They said I wasn't ready yet to see combat.

A medical droid finally made its way to me, examining the burn on my leg. I winced as he started cleaning my seared skin, before putting bacta cream on it.

"He's almost done please wait for me, I'm so ready for a mission!" I pleaded to my Master who was already halfway out the door. I winced again feeling the droid bandage up my wound real tightly. "See, good as new."

She smiled at me, shaking her head. "What am I going to do with you?"

"Turn me into a great Jedi master." I smiled at her, carefully getting up from the bed. My leg still hurt, but I sucked it up as I made my way toward Billaba.

"With time, young Padawan."

As we made our way toward the council room I felt a familiar tugging in my chest, I smiled knowing it could only mean one thing. Anakin was here. He must be back from his mission.

"Now, I want you to behave in this meeting. It took a lot of pleading for me to convince the council for you to stay, and even more to finally get us a mission for your training." I heard my mentor say as we approached the doors to the council room.

In the months I had spent here I had grown really close to Depa Billaba and vise versa although she'll never admit it.

"Have I ever misbeha-"

"Yes." She stated cutting my sentence short.

"Master Billaba, Padawan (Y/l/n)." Master Kenobi said as he approached the council room door's, Anakin close behind. Our eyes locked.

"Master Kenobi, I'm glad to see you and your Padawan have returned safely from your mission." I heard Billaba say, my attention still on the boy who was slowly stealing my heart.

He grinned at me, a playful glint in his eyes. He knew what he was doing to me.

"Right (Y/n)?" Billaba broke me out of my trance, causing me to look at her a confused look on my face. I completely blocked out what she was saying. "Were you even listening to me?"


"What have I told you about losing focus." She shakes her head at me and I can't help but lower my own in shame. "Let's head into this meeting, we don't want to keep the council waiting."

I give Anakin one last glance before following Billaba into the council room.

"Happy we are, to see you." Master Yoda states once we are standing in front of the council. "Important is the mission you will receive."

"We need you both to travel to the Planet of Naboo and help escort one of their senators." Master Windu explains, keeping his eyes on his former apprentice. "There was an assassination attempt on her life, and the council feels she'd be much safer here on Coruscant."

I couldn't help but feel sad for the girl. Although I'm a bit wary of politicians, she shouldn't be targeted for her choice in career. People were definitely so violent around these parts of the galaxy.

"It would be our honor, Master Windu. When do we leave?"


Great. This is where the fun begins.

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