Kimora felt tears start to form in her eyes but she didn't want him to see that. "Well i'm sorry that you feel that way but you show me you love me? You always texting your hoes and then try to cuddle with me at the end of the day, I don't have time for that."

"Baby, Ion want you to think i'm mad at you, but what hoes?! I let you have my phone whenever you want no hesitations whatsoever and you find absolutely nothing! You argue with me everyday over nothing." Fat tried his best not to yell at her knowing she was sensitive.

He was always patient with her and everyone noticed. He knew what she went through in the past and wanted to heal her but she never would let him. He was dealing with his own personal problems too and then he'd try to cuddle up with her but she just loved to argue with him.

"Why are you yelling at me?! see this is why we argue because you never see where i'm coming from." Kimora now had an attitude and went to sit on the other couch by Imani.

Fat was tired of how she was acting, hes been chasing after her since they were kids. She never once gave him the benefit of the doubt.

"How don't I—" Fat paused and took a deep inhale balling up his fists.

"I'm done Kimora. It don't matter what I do it's never enough for yo ass bruh. I'm tired of arguing with you every day, I can never just love on you. You take me through so much shit, Ion feel like dealing with it no more." Fat didn't want to say that. It was the last thing he ever wanted to say, but he just couldn't keep holding onto a one sided relationship.

"W-What?" Kimora's tears ran down her face before she could stop them. She knew she was being impossible to work with but with all her other relationships she always assumed the worst, and she always ended up being correct.

"C'mon Fat chill." E3 said. He knew how much he loved kimora, he also knew how much bullshit he put her through, but breaking up with her in-front of everyone, wasn't something he should've did.

Zyair and Milky watched as everything took place. They couldn't believe that he broke up with her, they always thought that she would be the one to break up with him because he loved her too much.

Imani didn't know what to say or do. She knew Kimora was hurt.

Kyia stared blankly at Kimora. She tried so hard to feel bad for her friend but she couldn't. She warned Kimora that she should learn to trust Fat, or he would become tired of the constant fight to keep her, but kimora didn't listen.

"Really? In front of everybody De'kari?" Kimora couldn't help but to cry even harder, feeling embarrassed.

"You always wanted to argue infront of everybody. You never was embarrassed then why you embarrassed now?" Fat spoke a little harshly.

"Chill aht, Fat." Zyair said putting out his blunt.

"C'mon cuh." Zyair said getting up and walking out the door with Fat following behind him.

Imani didn't know what to do so she just rubbed kimoras back, hoping that'll easy the tension.

Everyone was mostly silent feeling as if they've been put in an awkward situation.

E3 stood up and grabbed Kyias hand. They made their way to the stairway and walked up stairs. E3 and Kyia knew this was going to happen so they just wanted to exclude themselves from the situation before anything escalated even further.

Milky and Imani both sat on the couch with Kimora before Milky unwrapped his hands around her waist and walked outside to join Zyair and Fat. Leaving Imani and kimora alone.

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