"How is Princess Rhaenys?" Ask the Queen, supporting her husband.

"As expected devastated my queen...she didn't speak a word for days. And only regained her speech when our granddaughters arrived."

"I can only imagine what she's going through...what you're going through. Losing a child...The stranger can be pretty cruel sometimes."

"Indeed my Queen..."

He stop in a hallway. "We're sorry, but due to limited space, we were unable to provide separate rooms for each child."

The Queen smile politly at him. "Don't worry about it. You welcome a lot of people in such a short time."

Lord Corlys smile back. "Your graces, your room is on the left, your girls' room on your right, and your boys are directly opposite. If you need anything."

"Thank you Corlys, we will rest and join you at the time of the ceremony." say the king weakly.

Lord Corlys retire and everyone goes to their apartments.

*Few hours later*

Lady Laena's funeral had just ended. It was a strange but beautiful ceremony.

Everyone is now back on the terrace. Alyssa is leaning on the railing, a glass of wine in her hand. Everyone undermined her morale and she didn't really appreciate being near her "perfect" sister.

"You grew up nicely, little bird."

She smile and greet the new arrivant.

"Uncle. I'm sorry for your loss"

"Thank you."

"I don't know how you handle it. Having all these people around and talking fakely to you while you greive..."

"And where would you be at my place?"

"Dragon's back. Far away from this court."

He laugh softly. "I must admit that your minds are quite like mines. Even if your face remember me of someone else..."


"Your mother, Aemma Arryn."

Alyssa is a bit in shock.

"Nobody told you that?"

"No...in fact, nobody ever talk about her..."

"It's a shame, she was your mother, and a great and beautiful Lady and Queen."

"Maybe...I couldn't say..."

"Greive is not easy. That's maybe why my brother can't talked about her."

"He can't talk to the one who took her life."

He put his hand on her arm. "You did nothing of the sort. She died in chilbirth, as many women before her. As my wife, as my own mother. It's cruel but it's fate."

She nod. "Thank you uncle."

"You're welcome, little bird."

He kiss her forehead and leave.

She lean back against the railing again, observing the horizon

"Funerals always offer great family reunions."Alyssa turn to the person speaking to her.
"Lord Strong" The new Lord of Harrenhall approaches to land on the railing as well. He give her the best bow he could. "But I prefere happy reunions, like weddings, and even double weddings."

Alyssa smiles "Your ears are really everywhere, my lord."

"Knowledge is power, princess."

"I'm surprised to see you here, after the tragedy that struck you."

"When tragedy strikes, you have to move forward. Even with a clubfoot"

She laughs lightly. "Indeed."

"How did Prince Aegon take the news of your union? You've been close since you were children."
"With great joy, and so do I."

"You were able to convince the Queen brilliantly. There is no doubt that you will make an extraordinary Queen one day."

"I will never be Queen, Lord Strong. That destiny belongs to my sister."

"This decision was made so long ago...and you know, Lords can forget their oaths when a true male heir appear."

"Aegon have no wish to rule, everyone knows that."

"The best king is the one who does not want to be."

"Are you proposing treason Lord Strong? I thought you were smarter than that."

"I only wish to speak the truth and protect the interests of my Queen and her children. And there is no doubt that the reign of Princess Rhaenyra will be the end of you all."

"Do you think she would be able to?"

"If she isn't, he will."

"Who?" Lord Strong responded by indicating a direction with his head.

Alyssa saw what Lord Strong was telling her....Her sister staring at a place on the other side of the terrace. Where her Uncle Daemon is. The two looking at each other, flames in their eyes.

"The two together will be unstoppable...it will be butchery. And Aegon will be first on the list." Alyssa's stomach tightened at the thought. Nausea quickly coming back.

"She's married...and he just buried his wife."

"Do you think that will stop them? Your father says well about them that they share the blood of the dragon."

"My uncle would never arm me..."

"Maybe...but who know the things we can do for love..."


"These two never stopped loving each other, as much as your sister never stop hating you."

Alyssa can't take it anymore. Fear overtaking her.

"If you allow me Lord Strong, I will retire...it was a long journey."

"Of course princess. I dare to hope that I didn't bother you with my words?"

"Not at all, thank you."

She quietly withdrew, asking her maid to inform her mother that she's leaving to rest. Once back in her room, she writes a note to Aegon.

Meet me in the cave near the castle. Be discreet for once. -A

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