Child!Levi x Child! AU KINDERGARTEN

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There was a h/c child crying in daycare.
Her name was f/n l/n.
She was a very shy person,she would stutter when someone talked to her.
"Yahooooo!"the h/c child turned around only to see a very cheerful child named hanji facing her.
"U-um..h-hell..o?.."the h/c tried speaking out trying not to run away because she was not used to people talking to her.
At a young age she was bullied,yet she simply ignored it.
"Do you wanna be friends f/n-chan?!"the brown haired child jumping up and down squealing,as she waits for the girls answer.
"I won't take no as an answer!"Hanji said before she left her thinking.

As the little h/c girl ponders..
"Come to think of it there's this boy named riva..i?lebay?..le-vi..Yes!Levi!
Why is everyone so afraid of him?But mommy says that to share with the needy so I'll be nice to him.."f/n thought
As she didn't see the incoming toy coming towards her face..


Aha.It hit the child f/n in the forehead.
f/n was a very sensitive child,her body was completely fragile so even if it was the slightest throw,it'll hurt for her.

The girl's lip started quivering,as tears started forming in her eyes..
"Guwahh!! f/n-chan Im really sorry I didn't mean to.."The brown-haired boy named Eren said panicking trying to calm down the shaking girl because a raven-haired girl named mikasa was glaring daggers at him.
""f/n said as she started crying..
Quickly she started wiping away her tears even if it still keeps falling..
She tries to quickly run and hide in a corner when Hanji and her two other friends Erwin and Levi.
"Nee,f/n-chan,why are you crying?"Hanji said as she tried asking the h/c girl.
"I was going to introduce you to Levi and Erwin,but maybe next time.."Hanji said as she started going to the table.
f/n sat ont the corner and hugged her tiny knees to her face.
"Oi Brat,stop crying because your giving me a mushy feeling."The raven-haired boy said as he sat down the h/c girl.
"Im sorry.."the h/c girl muttered as she cried even more.
"Fucking Brat"Levi said as he hugged your little body beside him.
"Such a potty mouth..heehee. The h/c thought."
"Thank you..Levi.."The h/c girl said as she started giggling.
"Will you be my friend?"The h/c girl asked starting to be a bit shy.
"Isn't already fucking obvious because im hugging you?" Levi said as he stopped hugging the girl.
Then the raven-haired boy smiled at the h/c girl.

"Levi!You're smiling!the h/c girl said as she flashed her signature grin.

~Extended Ending~

"Looky here,shorty is smiling!'the brown-haired child said as she held her titan plushie.

Levi x Reader one-shotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang