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"i don't think i can..." donghyuck said while looking at his laptop screen, "i still have three pages to finish."

"oh come on!" jaemin said on the other line, "just for one night—besides, you have been doing nothing but drown yourself in schoolwork." 

for the third time this week, jaemin has been begging donghyuck to come to some sort of party with him, meaning he's been trying to decline the younger three times.

partying all night does sound fun and worry-free only if you don't have papers and other school works to finish. honestly, donghyuck could've finished this weeks ago, considering that they were given a month to complete this paper but he just decided to do it days before the due date now here he is, procrastinating.

"i have only been doing this work for the past two days, jaemin," the donghyuck corrects, "don't exaggerate."

"and two days is too long." the younger managed to argue, "anyway, you're coming right?"

"i just told you... i don't think i can." donghyuck said, playfully rolling his eyes.

"how about this," jaemin started, "you come with me to the this party and then i'll help you with your paper. it's only three pages more, right?"

donghyuck fell silent for a brief moment before his eyes lit up with the younger's suggestion, "are you really going to do that?" he asks with anticipation.

he heard the younger click his tongue on the other line, "oh come on, when did i ever lie?" he asks, his tone getting a little too cocky, "you know how good i am with those paper works right?"

"so when and what time is the party again?"

"there you go!" jaemin exclaims, "tomorrow, around six pm. i'll pick you up, okay?"

donghyuck hums on the phone before closing his laptop, "yeah sure, got it."

their call ended just like that—with an agreement and donghyuck not doing anything but close his device knowing that he was going to be sleeping peacefully and will not be stressing about school works anymore.


donghyuck's eyes started wandering around the place, especially the house in front of him. it was oddly huge, it makes him question whose house is this.

looking up from his phone, jaemin looked back at the older behind him and gave him a nod, "let's go," he told, "jeno said there's already people inside."

jeno. donghyuck thought to himself, maybe he's the one hosting the party? he didn't say anything more and decided to tail behind jaemin. to be completely honest, he doesn't know anyone in this party, well except for jaemin, if it weren't for jaemin offering to do his paper for him he wouldn't find himself in this situation.

mr. sweet kisser. markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now