author's note

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Hello, wonderful people!

Thank you so much for making it this far in my story! This is the first book that I have managed to write to completion, so I am super happy even though it's 5 AM in my dorm right now. Don't worry if you don't understand what just happened in the epilogue. I left the ending intentionally ambiguous and open to interpretations on purpose to make it easier for any future edits and maybe even a possible sequel. I even have an idea for the title of the second novel, but I don't even want to think about writing for now!

I hope you know how much your support means to me. I remembered starting this project a few years ago. I wrote a few chapters but ended up abandoning the novel because of schoolwork. I'm so glad I returned to it even though it has been a challenging journey. I have changed quite a bit from when I first penned the prologue to finishing with the epilogue. But just as the novel mentioned, some things never change (e.g. my wack sleep schedule). It's a bit funny since both times I decided to use my winter break from school to work on the novel when I probably should have been more productive. 

I've always dreamt of becoming a writer and being able to one day see my work end up on other people's bookshelves. My dream was inspired by one of my grade school teachers who had read one of my written pieces in class and promised me that she would look for my name in the New York Times list of Best Sellers. I know it is a far-fetched dream and I am by no means deserving of such recognition at the present. I have cringed so many times while reading through this story, but I just told myself to just put my pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard in this case). I wanted to finish the story because I wanted something to show for all my hard work. I didn't want to leave this project unfinished and leave this experience empty-handed. 

Everybody starts somewhere. This will probably be far from the best piece that I have written. As long as I keep practicing my skill and writing, I think I will be fine.

Thank you again for being with me on my journey! I am excited to show you how much my writing will improve in the future and I look forward to being your author again!

With love,


The Angel of DeathDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora