Family meeting.

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Tonight was the night, Toki was going to introduce you as his girlfriend to the rest of the band. He didn't want to keep you a secret anymore. you were excited, but nervous at the same time. what if they didn't like you?"Wowee! Yous a looks absolutely beautifuls" Toki said as you walked out of the bathroom. you were wearing a Pixies band shirt with a black mini skirt and fishnets completed with combat boots and a black beanie. "thank you, My love" you said with a soft smile as you walked towards him.

Toki was still in awe at how beautiful you were to him, every curve of your body was perfect to him. your smile, your eyes, your voice, everything about you was nothing more than perfection to him. "Theys are gonnas loves yous, I promises."

Toki took your hand in his, his finger tips rough from the amount of guitar he plays. "They'res waitin' for us'es downstairs." he smiled at you reassuringly. He pulled you close and gave you a peck on the lips before letting go and holding your hand, leading you downstairs to the living room.

he shouted to his band mates "Closes your eyes, I"s haves a surprise." he hid you behind him then said "Okies.. you guys cans a open yours eyes nows." and with that he moved to the side revealing you. "holy fucking hell man, where did you find someone like her?" Nathan said in awe that Toki actually found a girlfriend that wasn't just a casual groupie or fangirl.

"We mets at the cafes." Toki said proudly. "well, if she makes you happy then im happy for you." Nathan said with a smile, feeling like a proud dad. "I'll admit you did goods, Toki" Skwisgaar said and patted toki on the back before taking a seat on the sofa. "Ya, shes a beauty" Pickles said and gave a thumbs up. "pfft, I Pull girls all the time and no one bats an eye" Murderface said under his breath. "Shut up" said nathan and gave him a glare. "Anyways, you're one of us now" continued Nathan.

"thanks.. you guys are so kind. Toki's real lucky to have you guys in his life" you said smiling as Toki sat down on the couch and pulled you onto his lap. "heh, likewise" Nathan said, ignoring Murderface as he was still going on about how he gets all the ladies.

Toki had his arms around you and was resting his chin on your shoulder. "sees? nothings to worries bouts" He kissed your cheek and you smiled, knowing he was right. Nathan stood up and said "I think this calls for celebration drinks, errrr.." he paused as he realized he didn't get your name. "psst. Pickles, uh whats her name?" Nathan asked. "hell if i know" Pickles shrugged. "Oh!" you laughed nervously and said "My name is (y/n)" "well, (y/n) I'm glad Toki introduced you to us. you seem like a really cool person." Nathan said. "Hey, lets a get those drinks now!" Pickles said as he rushed to the bar table. and with that, your night ended with getting to know the guys and best of all getting closer to Toki. things were looking up for you.

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