Chapter Two

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      Today was the day of Grandma's funeral. I wore a black flowy dress, with a black-chained necklace with a white rose, and my hair in a bun. I looked very different. 

    In the middle of singing Amazing Grace, I saw Tommy looking over in my direction, and just looked away.

     After the service we got a lot of "I'm sorry for your loss" comments. I am so sad that my grandma is gone but all this death and negativity talk is not my thing. I was thankfully rescued from the negative talk by Tommy.

     "Hey, want to get out of here?" Tommy knows how horrible this is for me. I'm thankful for him because he can always get me out of uncomfortable situations. Like the time in 7th grade when Monty Greyson asked me out and Tommy stepped in and told him we were dating. 

   We walked out to the bench facing the lake. It was a sunny day in northern Michigan. "So, on a scale of One to Ten how much will you miss me when I go off to college?" "Three. Ill only miss when I get to throw wiffle balls at you almost every day." This isn't entirely true. Yes, I would miss when I could throw things at him during our families get together barbeques, but I'm going to miss him way more than a three. He couldn't know that though, his ego is already through the roof.

     "Oh really?" He looked intrigued but said nothing more. I fiddled with my grandma's book. I brought it because it felt right. "What's that about?" Tommy asks gesturing towards the book. "It's an old romance book I found in my grandmas' wardrobe. I'm not sure why it was there though." I didn't expect Tommy to seem interested, but he did. "Tell me about it." "Well basically there are two lovers from rival families, the sneak around, get caught, the boy gets murdered by the girls family. The girl was so devastated she hung herself to be with her soulmate. Her attempt in suicide didn't work though. So, she cried until she had no tears left and then fled to Paris where they had planned to escape together one day." Tommy looked at me with fascinated eyes. "Thats only a short summary though. You should read it yourself." I said. "Maybe I should." He takes the book from my hands gently and opens it. My bookmark falls out and I see the words written on it by Max. "Love is unknown."



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2023 ⏰

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