What Else Are Friends For? (Liz X Max/OC X OC)

Start from the beginning

"But isn't that like cheating? You're not really doing it yourself."

"That's the best part. I get to control it, but it does all the work and does it anytime I want or need it to," Max replied.

Surprisingly to no one, the awkward conversation went back and forth for longer than poor Liz could take as Max explained to her each and every way she pleased herself and took the stress off, and how it helped her feel less lazy and enjoy the movie nights with Liz. Unfortunately, Liz didn't fully grasp the appeal of doing that sort of thing alone and how it would help the stress until she could physically be with someone in that way again. Max, however, was persistent, which led to an awkward situation somehow being made worse.

"Okay, it's obvious that you're not getting it on your own. What if I just show you?" Max said, turning Liz the absolute brightest shade of red. "Listen, it's not like we're fucking. You'd just be watching me fuck myself to learn how to fuck yourself," Max laughed, making Liz cover her face with her hands.

This just made Max laugh harder at how much her firecracker, free spirited friend had become flustered. "Elizabeth Wells, listen to me, you've seen me naked plenty of times before. You've walked in on me doing various different acts. What is so different about this?"

Liz's reply was low voiced and defensive. "It's different because I've never thought of it that way and, umm... god-fucking-dammit, how do I say this..." After stumbling all over her words time after time, Liz finally said, "Ugh, what if I like what I see? Are you happy? I said it. I already know you're hot and what if, even though I haven't before, I see you doing that yourself and want to do it for you, huh? What then? What would I do? Just fuck up everything we've got going?"

A very awkward silence fell over the two before Max let out the most ungodly cackle and fell over in a fit of laughter. "You're embarrassed because you're afraid you'll ruin our friendship over seeing me masturbate. Because if you watch me get myself off, you might all of a sudden want to be the one who takes care of me?" She laughed again. "So what if you do? Do you know how many people in my life have liked me and wanted to do worse to me, and we're still friends to this very day? Plus, you're stuck with me, like it or not. Besides, what if that was my master plan all along?"

Liz genuinely didn't know if she was joking on the last part. She was right, though; Max did have a few friends that had at one time or another said in their own words they'd do anything to "absolutely wreck her." Max being the bubbly personality she was, and a lowkey troublemaker when she thought it was funny and could get away with it, even sent one of the guys a rather tasteful risky picture with the friend-zoned message attached, coming off as the implied you can't have me but here's inspiration to think of me while you do it to yourself.

So with all that, Liz decided she was going to call her bluff and so she did. "Okay then, if you really think it'd help and it won't mess up our friendship, then sure. Why not? I mean who is gonna know? We're stuck in this place alone with just us anyways. But our phones go off so there's no cameras, calls, accidents, jokes or anything of the sort."

"Finally you're talking sense, but there's just one thing... I'm just not in the mood," Max shrugged and laughed.

Liz rolled her eyes  "So I guess we just wait until you are, then. You know, if you weren't joking and I didn't just call your bluff."

A smirk came over Max's face as her expression changed from laughing and playful to smug and kind of bitchy. "Or we could just get me in the mood and get this show on the road like I had planned."

Taken aback by the comment, Liz replied "So how do you figure we do that? Do you want to watch porn together? Or go call Kenny or maybe even Hangman to, umm, warm yourself up?"

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