What Else Are Friends For? (Liz X Max/OC X OC)

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"Ugh!!!" Liz sighed heavily.

"We're just picking something to watch. Don't get all tore up about it," Max laughed as Liz jokingly replied "I'm just so fucking sick of Netflix and sitting on my ass. It's just so boring. I want to do something."

Life in early 2020 had been difficult for everyone, especially for those in the wrestling business. With no shows running, Liz was out of a job and despite AEW continuing to run weekly, only those needed at the tapings were permitted to be there, thus leaving the two women stuck as roommates with no one to see but each other. And as much as Max and Liz loved each other, they, much like the rest of the world, hadn't quite figured out how to handle the situation.

It was a movie and pjs night every night and as amazing as it sounds, at some point you go crazy. They missed wrestling and they missed people. They wanted interactions with someone other than each other and not just for conversation or to hear fans cheering; no, as much as they hated to admit it, they missed human touch as well. You take all that away and you get a little cranky when you're already suffering from cabin fever.

It was a recipe for disaster.

"Trust me, I get it. If it wasn't for my late night chats with Kenny, I'd go insane," Max finally spoke up after Liz's small rant. "Why don't you call someone? Or, you know, find something online to entertain yourself."

"Woah, wait, are you trying to act like I'm just horny?" Liz laughed.

"I mean, yeah. If I didn't find ways to take care of myself I'd go insane," Max replied, leaving the formerly laughing Liz's to turn into an expression of embarrassment.

"Okay, I have to tell you something but you can't laugh at me."

Max, now very intrigued, raised an eyebrow and nodded in the, "I'd never do that" type of way.

"I've... never done anything like that. Like I've been fucked, trust me, but I've never, um... well, done it myself... without help." Liz could barely finish her sentence before Max burst into laughter.

"Wait, you? The chick who I've heard has gotten around as much as Jolene Nash did before she got married has never made herself cum," Max said through her fit of uncontrollable laughter. The bright red color that Liz's face turned told Max all she needed to know. "Holy shit. You're not lying. You've only ever gotten off with the guys you've been with."

A quiet Liz then spoke up softly. "And girls in some cases. It gets lonely on the road."

This made Max laugh even more, but seeing how she was further embarrassing her best friend, she said, "Liz, it's easy if it's some dumbass guy. A girl can do it, too. But you who knows your body better than anyone and can do it twice as good if not better than that? I mean, no one can fuck me like I fuck me."

"So... is it just like being fingered but doing it yourself?" Liz asked.

"It's a lot more than that and a lot more fun, trust me. Maybe try to find some porn or something and see what she does, then try that."

"But they really don't show and tell you what to do, they just do it for people to get off to."

"Fair enough. I guess they don't have classes on how to come for girls. If only it was as simple as jacking off," Max laughed

"So uh.." Liz kept stuttering and Max kept looking at her with the spit it out look before she finally said. "So...Uh.. How do you do it? What works the best for you?"

Max rolled her eyes before hopping up and grabbing something from her room. "This normally does the trick," She joked, showing off her 'magical helper,' as she put it.

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