Chapter Two

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Y/n pov

As I looked at the Villainess which I had saved earlier this evening, I couldn't help but smile.

"It's a pleasure to see you again, but why exactly are you here Miss Cheetah?" I asked.

"Well you had saved me, and I wanted to know why. I followed your scent to this location and now we're here." she said.

"Well the reason as to why I saved you is a little embarrassing, the reason why I saved you is because I have feelings for you." I said.

"Oh, uhm well I'm not really sure how to process that information, I assumed that you must have been a new villain who wanted me to owe them a favor or something. I never really considered that you might care for me in such a manner." she explained.

"I see, I never really thought of being a villain, but seeing as I attacked one of the members of the Justice League I guess that does make me a partial villain. May I ask you a favor?" I asked.

"What is the favor?" asked Cheetah.

"Can you teach me how to fight and become a villain?" I asked.

"If that is what you truly want then I believe I can do that. I assume that there is more to this reason but I won't pry into it." she said.

"When will we begin?" I asked.

"We begin tomorrow, get as much sleep as possible. I'll stay here and keep watch for any heroes." she said.

I nodded and I went back to my sleeping area which was a busted down cardboard box and a hoodie.

I woke up to the sound of someone tapping the foot impatiently, I looked up and I saw Cheetah looking down at me with a look of impatience on her face.
I got up and she tossed me a duffel bag, I opened it and I saw that it had gym clothes, some protein shakes, a shaker bottle, a water bottle, a roll of boxing tape, and a pair of running shoes.

"Where did you get all of this?" I asked.

"I had an associate rob a sporting goods store." she said as if she had said I had a friend go shopping for me.

I chuckled a little and she gave me a look, I explained what I had thought and she gave a small laugh at my comment.

"Alright get ready, and then we will begin." she said.

"No breakfast?" I questioned.

"Ugh fine but I can't go with you, so bring me back something as well." she said.

"Copy that, I'll be back in an hour and a half so please keep an eye on my stuff." I said.

I pulled out a roll of money that I had been saving up from people I had pickpocketed from and I counted it out.

Three hundred bucks this will be enough for some food.

I then headed out to go to my favorite diner, I had my hood up as I jogged to the diner. After reaching the diner I ordered a green pepper and mushroom omelet with a side of wheat toast and a glass of orange juice, after I was done I then ordered the same for Cheetah except the orange juice and I paid my bill and left.
I made it back in an hour and I saw a couple of vans outside the warehouse.

Who the fuck is in my home!

I looked at the vans and I saw on the sides of them the words Lexcorp.

The fuck is Lexcorp doing here?

I walked over to the warehouse and went inside, as soon as I did I didn't even recognize it. It was cleaned up there was power going through the building, I could see a workout area that was the size of a small gymnasium, it had workout benches, weights, a large mat to practice fighting styles, there was even a weapon rack with all sorts of martial arts weapons on it. I saw a kitchen that was being worked on, then there was a few walled off sections.

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