14. Rain On Us

Mulai dari awal

"Azhanae, relax. I said I'm cool. I want to take you out." He reassured me.

I just want us to have a good time, I understand he's going through a lot right now but I want us to enjoy this moment of being with each other.

10:02 pm
Sandbox VR

"AHHHH JEREMIAH." I run around the room with my VR set on my head while the virtual rats chased me.

"Shoot them." Jeremiah chuckle as he continued to shoot all the zombies while I start to shoot the rats.

I laugh starting to shoot the zombies that was coming towards me.

We was at Sandbox VR and we are on our third game, this shit is actually a lot of fun.

GAME OVER showed up on our sets allowing us to take it off.

"Did we lose?" I asked checking the scoreboard.

"Bae, you died like four times-talm bout did we lose." Jeremiah chuckle.

"You was letting them kill me, what do you mean?" I scoffed into a chuckle.

I grabbed his hand as we walked out the gaming area back into our seating area.

His mood kinda change but I think he just trying to make me think nothings wrong.

I grabbed my sweater putting it on watching Jeremiah leave a tip for the waiter.

"You ready?" He asked me. I nodded my head. "Let me get you a bear or something first."

I smile. "Okay." I exclaimed.

We walked to the gift counter.

"How many points for that pink bear?" He asked the girl behind the counter.

"6,462." She responded with a smile.

He looked down at our points receipt and passed it to her.

She walk towards the huge pink teddy bear and grabbed it sitting it onto the counter.

"Thank you." I smile at him hugging the teddy bear as we walked out the place.

"You welcome." He told me kissing my forehead.

"It smell like it's about to rain." He told me.

"How you know?" I asked him as we walk towards the parking lot to his car.

"Cause I know lul girl." He told me opening the passenger door for me.

I smile, such a gentlemen. I put the roses he for me in the back seat before sitting down and putting my seatbelt in.

I waited until he got on the other side.

His phone ring and he quickly answered it, it automatically connected to his car.

"Hello." A female voice boomed through the speakers.

Is this nigga serious?

"Waddup." He spoke driving off.

"Where you at?" She asked him seductively.

He glanced at me and back to the road. "Why? Where my son?"

"It's ten o'clock at night, you know I ain't calling you about Tamir." Her toned change.

I sighed heavily.

"Malaya, get the fuck off my phone bro." He spat, I could tell he was getting angry. "You been keeping Tamir from me but calling bout some dick."

I kept blinking my eyes, astound of what I am hearing.

"Shut the fuck up, Jeremiah. Just come over here and fuck m-" She was saying until I pressed the red button.

Jeremiah looked at me.

"I don't want to hear that shit." I told him. "You could argue with your babymomma when I'm out the car, out of respect for myself-I don't need to hear that shit."

"You right, I apologise." He gripped my thigh.

Honestly, I wanted the fuck out his car.

I know I'm not his girlfriend or anything but damn, that's disrespectful.

I stayed silent the entire ride even when he tried to talk to me.

We finally pulled out to my daddy house. I was debating on grabbing the teddy bear and roses he got for me.

"See you later." I told him grabbing the roses from the back seat.

Jeremiah sucked his teeth. "You mad?"

"No." I lied. I'm so fucking mad right now.

"Why you trying to rush out the car than? Give me a kiss or some." He told me.

I quickly pecked his lips. He mugged me.

He aggressively wrapped his large hands around my neck pulling me into another kiss sticking his tongue in my mouth, so I kissed him back.

I'm still mad but I still want my kewchie ate.




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