sunny innit
keep your eyes on the road bro

bellingham imposter
she is now
hi guys it's aurora

ew not sleeping beauty wannabe

bellingham imposter
i hate you
i hope you get run over

leave my bf alone

phil mitchel
fucking hell
he wants the other one now too
surprised he doesn't go for jobe too

leave jobe out of this
that would be pedophilla

literally bro
i'm a homie hopper not a

aurora ask my sister
when she's coming home

coming home to our kids


phil mitchel
don't rate having kids
my son is annoying the
shit out of me rn

forgot you had a whole ass child
only remembered hope tbh

debby ryan

sunny innit
hope lingard is iconic

bellingham imposter
hope is so cute omg
Jude i'll be home in an hour

aren't you driving
stop texting

bellingham imposter
sorry dad
i'm not driving anymore
waiting for jobe 🤝

. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄


June and Aurora sat in the car waiting for Jobe to come out of training. Aurora was bullying June about Trent, saying he definitely likes her whilst she just denied it everytime.

"June baby, who the fuck says coming home to our kids if they don't like someone."

"you do" June said whilst her best friend folded her arms accepting the fact she lost the argument.

The two girls carried on waiting until they heard the back door open then shut with a huge slam. June watched as he brother got into the car with a pissed off face.

"Don't slam my door! And what the fuck happened to you." June said noticing her brother was holding his ankle.

"Some fucking cunt stepped on my ankle bro." He said holding his ankle in pain.

June had moved to the back as she told Aurora to drive them back home. She also gave Jobe her phone to text Jude and tell him to get a bag of ice out for him. The girl had put her brothers ankle onto her lap as she looked for any serious injury. That was until she heard him screaming again.

"You have a fucking group chat
with all the England boys without me!"Jobe said with an annoyed look on his face

"Well in my defense, i wasn't supposed to be added either! And i told you to only text Jude why are you looking through my messages!" She said snatching the phone off her brother noticing he'd added himself into the groupchat.

"Hmm and why are you flirting with Trent?" Jobe asked his sister as she hit him on the leg.

. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄


real househusbands
of england

jude- babybell
phil- phil mitchel
jack- white boy of the month
marcus- sunny innit
jesse- debby ryan
bukayo- starboy
declan- rice rice baby
mason- detective mase
june- bellingham imposter

bellingham imposter added
unknown number

what the hell
who tf is that

no more strangers

bellingham imposter
fucks sake
it's jobe and he added himself
he had my phone

sunny innit
family reunion


oh nvm
it's only jobe let him stay

phil mitchel changed
unknown number to REAL babybell

how about we just change
my name to something different

absolutely not

bellingham imposter
why can't we just make him leave

detective mase
don't be mean

REAL babybell
jude man
get me some ice for
when i get home
thanks g

why what did you do
also trent go get the ice


bellingham imposter
why are you in my house again

waiting for you 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨

bellingham imposter

REAL babybell
throwing the fuck up

^^^ what he said

rice rice baby
why is nobody talking about
the fact he asked for an ice pack

yeah what happened

bellingham imposter
hurt his ankle in training
poor bby
it looks really bad too
(attachment one image)

debby ryan
aren't you supposed to be driving

bellingham imposter
no rory is
i'm looking after my brother guys
someone congratulate me for
being nice 👏👏

i would but
i really didn't want
to see jobes ankles in the gc

bellingham imposter

authors note!
i know this chapter is mostly the gc
but i love the boys relationship with june and we love trent's boldness
also currently rewatching beta squads video w trent🤝

𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗢𝗧𝗜𝗖, trent alexander arnold Where stories live. Discover now