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-- Day six Tuesday

The 38s were not closing. "Already," I said. I tried to do an entire box of fruit loops but couldn't. I left for work with a half gallon of my milk cream mix and a few sleeves of cookies. I was feeling winded in my tasks for the day. A few of the guys were in my territory and wanted to get together for lunch, I suggested country harvest, and they agreed it was about 1:00 when we arrived; it was prime rib day. 

I did not pull any punches. I went up there at least five times; I lost count. I also went for the mashed potatoes and gravy and cherry cokes. Unfortunately, the milk machine was broken. I wasn't the only one getting their fill. I finished up with chocolate pudding. I was packed and felt like any more I was going to explode.

The fat guy in our group commented on my new gut. "Hey esse, I'm not the only gordo in the office now, ay!" I told him I was celebrating and enjoying myself. He asked what are you celebrating, and I just changed the subject. When I got in the truck, I noted that the XL shirt was leaving my belly exposed. My pants would not button, you could see my belt holding them together, and my belly was hanging out. It was time to upgrade. It was hard to finish the day. I stopped at the mall and picked up a few long XL shirts and a few long 2x shirts. The 38s were able to close by now but gave a good muffin top, so I picked up a few 42s. They seemed to fit just fine, maybe a tad loose like the 36s when I started on this roll.

I had a pound of spaghetti and two pounds of beef and cheese ravioli for dinner, garlic bread, and soda. I ate in the big chair, watching a movie, and became fascinated by the size of my gut. I was so turned on that I had created this in such a short time and wanted to stuff it even larger.I grabbed a half gallon of milk cream and in the comfort of the chair and time finished it.  I was topped off and feeling huge. And ready for bed.

--Day seven Wednesday

I woke up with a stiff neck from sleeping in the big chair. I was late getting dressed in the new duds and was out the door. I worked the day with hardly a bite to eat. Was the cycle over already? I wondered. I have a few twinges but nothing intense like what drove me the previous few days. I came home after work and had a few chimichangas and a few pints of fish food ice cream. And went to bed.

--Day eight Thursday

I Woke up famished. I cooked up a pound of bacon and ate it with 12 Hawaiian rolls and six eggs and cheese. And a bowl of cereal. I took a half gallon of the milk cream and was off to work.

I stopped for the 31 flavors shakes and had a western burger meal with jalapeno poppers. I finished work at 2:00 and went to an all-you-can-eat hot wings place I found by accident. It was a 30.00 cover charge that included a drink. I have this technique for eating wings. I strip the meat from the bone, which saves on tiring my jaw. Then I eat it all at once. I had close to 50 wings, I'm sure, and a few long island ice teas. I was stuffed my belly screamed in pain.  I got home at about 5:30 and was tired from the alcohol. I drank as much water as possible to starve off a hangover and went to sleep.

--Day nine Friday

I Woke up feeling great and ate half a bag of generic sugar pops in the big yellow bowl and had several bananas. 

I went to work early for the meeting, and we had even more sandwiches than the week before. I took many of them before the meeting started and put them in the truck. I would say I consumed a good six thousand calories from that. I also took the extras from after the meeting. As people talked, I noticed they would also look at my belly. Nobody said anything, but I'm sure some wanted to.

A few of us went to shakey's pizza for their pizza bar, today for lunch. I had fourteen slices, give or take. They are thinner than a regular slice. I went into the bathroom, rubbed my gut, came out, and ate eight more. That really works, I thought. It wasn't without its downside; I finished with 24 ounces of coke. It was one of the biggest stuffings I had experienced since this started. I sat watching tv for 30 minutes and went back for more, maybe four slices and another 12 ounces of coke. I was packed. The fat dude said you're going to be the fat one if you eat like that esse. He was right. If I kept this up much longer I would become the fat one. My gut was fantastic, starting under my breastbone and straight out and round. It was hot.

After returning to work, I got a text from an old girlfriend and thought this would be fun. She will probably be grossed out. I've probably gained 50 pounds since she saw me last, and I was working on this gut. I agreed to meet for dinner at long horns steak house at 6:00. I got dressed in my 42s that, were feeling a little snug, and a 2xl shirt.

She arrived before me, so when I walked in, she squealed, said, " Oh my god, " and jumped up from the waiting area chairs. I thought she was excited to see me and going to hug me, instead she went straight for my gut, stopped short, and asked if she could touch it. I howled and turned red with embarrassment. "Sure", she grabbed it like a teddy bear on the bed. She massaged it and patted it, and weighed it. At about that time, the little hockey puck went off, telling us we could be seated.

She was really into the belly. Her excitement was more than I could take, She didn't even say high to me. so I asked "what's up with the belly attention?" She said, "I'm a feeder and would love to feed you sometime." Of course, I had heard of it but never considered it for myself. She said "that's one of the reasons I broke up with you." She liked bigger guys and saw me as being a jock my whole life. And she wanted something more. I said "This," as I pointed to the gut "is temporary."

She said, "It doesn't have to be, how big do you want to get?" "I don't know." I said "it's just a phase." "Well, let's get together before you phase it out." I ordered a 24-ounce steak with onion rings and stuffed mushrooms. Lori corrected my order make his steak a 32-ounce and added a stuffed baked potato. She looked over at me and emphasized the word stuffed. She ordered an 8oz for herself and asparagus, which I added to my order as well.

I was OK with that.

We chatted and drank mostly about her, as I remember it. I was the one who broke up with her because she was self-centered. That appears to not have changed.

Our food came, and the steak was cooked perfectly and easy to eat until halfway. The day was catching up with me. I could see I was not going to finish, so I ate the other stuff. I finished off the potato and, mushrooms, asparagus and plugged away at the steak with maybe 8 ounces to go; I called it. She moved in closer and said "can I massage your belly." I was a little too self-conscious for that in the restaurant, but it did work at pizza. I excused myself, waddled off to the restroom, massaged my belly, and returned. Lori asked to feed me the rest, and I agreed. I finished with room to spare. Lori ordered dessert, some type of hockey puck cake with ice cream and a ton of chocolate syrup. She fed me most of it and had a few bites. My 42s protested, and we said our goodbyes. I told her I would consider her feeding offer and call her. I got in the truck and released the pressure of the 42s.

I got home, finished a half gallon of milk cream mix, and went to bed. I had ruffly 75,400 calories this week total.

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