Platinum Arc Final Chapter - I Don't Want to Say Goodbye

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Both razor-sharp claws began melting down into lava as Roaring Moon came bursting back up readying another Hyper Beam. However, the Paradox Pokemon struck first, launching the molten lava in layers of sharp strikes. Then, retaliating, the Hyper Beam was sent back as both Pokemon were struck down.

Covering my face, I was pushed back as Roaring Moon crashed down, knocked out. Iron Claw, however, shared the same fate. "Thank you, Roaring Moon, you're one in a million."

AI Cyrus recalled his Pokemon glitching out. "Evərything is proceədin6 wıthin my expectati₀ns. I'm afraid thə probabılity ₀f you wınning is zero." Holding another Pokeball out, I flinched, biting my lip. The rest of my team was pretty beaten up; there was no hope of defeating another Paradox Pokemon!

Frozen, unsure what to do, my heart skipped a beat as Eevee jumped out of my bag, readying to fight. Growling, he began shouting at the AI, making me gasp. "Eevee, no!"

"W-What i5 this?" Cyrus responded, staring idly at Eevee, unsure what to make of it. "You defy my dreams, a poor excuse for a Pokemon?"

"He's not a poor excuse for a Pokemon! There's no such thing. Eevee's ambition makes up for any flaw. He's my ace in the hole, the most powerful Pokemon in the world! You don't stand a chance!"

"I-ımpossib|e, that isn't plausible. Eevee cannot be remotely powerful." He responded, loosening his grip on the Masterball.

"Says who? The bond between a trainer and their Pokemon makes a Pokemon strong, not stats or figures. That's something an AI like you can never understand! No trainer can stand in our way!"

"...Some sort of ərror has occurred here. Recɑ|culatıng, ərror ərror ərror. Does not compute, ərror, ərror, ərror..."

Dropping the master ball, it was revealed to be empty as the AI collapsed, frying up. "What did I tell you? No one has defeated Eevee yet."

AI Cyrus tried speaking, but each word kept crumbling away into nothing. Mars watched in horror, seeing her dream fade into nothing. "Cyrus... You can't be."

"I'ⅿ s₀rry, Mars... I'ⅿ s₀rry for ruining your life. ...s₀rry... for everything."

"Don't you dare; there's nothing to apologise for! Nothing, you hear me!"

"Cyrus is dead. This AI located the lone survivor on death's door. He wished to live and see a new world with a new perspective. So I downloaded his brain into my memory banks to live on. But my system was corrupted by the appearance of Dialga and the third-party trainer."

I looked to Volo, frustrated as he shook his head, snarling. "But with the last sense of hope, you called for help."

"Yes, I sent the Origin ball through time and space in hopes someone would find it and free me. I am glad you were the one to be gifted with such a task, Mars." He croaked, sparking more. "I have failed my mission; protocol insists in any case of failure, I would terminate immediately."

"No, you can't! I only just found you again, Cyrus, don't leave us again!" Mars shouted tearing up. "Please... I need you."

Cyrus shook his head, a faint smile emerging. "Negative, you never needed me. You got here of your own accords, with no help from me. I believe you are capable of great things, Mars. You can reform Team Galactic for good. A return of the good it once stood for—a Galaxy Team. I leave the legacy of our ruined dreams in your hand. Y/N... Before my failure, I received one final message from the Professors... One final warning."

"Warning?" I questioned, eyebrow raised. "What kind of warning?"

"ərror ərror ərror. Message corrupted—message ərror. TTTTTT Beware, they are coming from across the universe. ərror ərror ərror. TTTT Beware Rocket... ərror ərror ərror." Cyrus, no, Professor Turo shut down, never to see the light of day again.

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