Sun and Moon Arc Chapter 8 - Like Mother Like Daughter

Start from the beginning

Ribombee began to flutter its wings, a gentle dance that enhanced its speed, special attack, and special defence. I had to act fast. "Mimikyu, Shadow Claw!"

Mimikyu darted forward with surprising speed, its shadowy claw slashing through the air. Ribombee tried to evade, but the attack landed, dealing significant damage. Lillie gritted her teeth, but she wasn't backing down.

"Ribombee, Dazzling Gleam!"

A dazzling burst of light erupted from Ribombee, illuminating the fiery chaos around us. I shielded my eyes but knew that Zorua, my second Pokémon, would have to step in soon. "Mimikyu, Shadow Sneak!"

Mimikyu vanished into the shadows, reappearing behind Ribombee and delivering a quick, unexpected strike. Ribombee fluttered before crashing to the ground down for the count. Lillie, unfazed, withdrew Ribombee and sent out her next contender. "Polteageist, show them your haunting power!"

The teapot Pokémon hovered with an eerie grace, ready to join the fray. I assessed the situation and formulated a strategy. I knew I had to switch things up, so I sent out my second Pokémon. "Mimi, let's go!"

Zoura dived off my shoulder barking away more ready than ever to enter the battlefield, its aura exuding strength and determination. Lillie adjusted her sleeves refusing to give up. "I can almost hear my mother's voice crying out for me. I'm so close, not you, not my brother or anyone will take that from me! Polteageist, hold nothing back, use Nasty Plot, this battle will be ours."

"Nothing can stop Mimi and I, even the playing field Mimi with the same move!"

The two Pokemon had used Nasty Plot making the next move more dangerous than ever. "Strike while the iron is hot Mimi, use Foul Play on the double!" Striking true, the teapot Pokémon wobbled, visibly weakened.

Lillie gritted her teeth, determined to press on Polteageist, hold on and use Giga Drain on Zorua!" Polteageist attempted to drain energy with Giga Drain, but Zorua dodged with its deceptive agility.

Now was the moment to strike back. Running past I leapt over a table pointing to the opening. "Mimi, finish this once and for all, hit Polteageist with a boosted Dark Pulse!"

Zorua dived into the air, her Dark Pulse hit Polteageist with increased force. Teetering on the edge of defeat. Lillie a mix of disappointment and determination on her face began shouting. "Polteageist, give it your all!"

But Zorua, fueled by the Nasty Plot boost, unleashed a powerful Dark Pulse. "Finish it, Mimi!"

The Dark Pulse surged forth, striking Polteageist with overwhelming force. The teapot Pokémon wobbled for a moment before succumbing to defeat.

The flames roared around us, but the battle had come to an end. Lillie dropped her Pokeball as it rolled towards me horrified. Falling to her knees her hand began to tremble as she kept punching the floor. "It can't be... Everyone, I'm so sorry."

Rolling at my feet I picked her partner up and walked towards Lillie I held out her friend. Lillie looked up at me stuttering. "Are you going to take all my friends from me?"

Kneeling to her level I forced the Pokeball in her hand. "I know what it feels like to have your best friend stolen, never, I would wish that feeling on my worst enemies. We're going to get them back."

"You're really not the one who attacked us?"

"No, I'm not."

Gripping her Pokeball tightly she whispered to herself. "It doesn't change anything, I cannot abandon this place. I need to see her again, one more time."

Gladion pulled Lillie to her feet slapping her. She looked at me dazed holding her cheek. "Get a hold of yourself! She's not coming back, she abandoned us Lillie and you know it. She was far too obsessed with Ultra Space and the Ultra Beasts to care about us. Please, don't follow down the same path she did."


The building began to shake more as I looked with more urgency. "I don't want to rush this, but we need to go."

"If those two want to stay let em, I'm not being crushed over a family moment," Zinnia shouted already running for the exit. I nodded as I glanced to Gladion and Lillie who were also finally on the move. Making it outside the main office we were stopped in our tracks the alarms getting worse.

"Ultra Wormhole detected, this is not a drill. All personnel please evacuate, I repeat this is not a drill."

"Are we too late? No, we don't have time to lose, we need to get back to the bo-." Gladion stopped mid-sentence seeing an Ultra Wormhole appearing behind Lillie. Running at her he pulled her out of the way. "Get back!"

Pushing her to the floor the Wormhole sucked him up as he was taken. Zinnia stopped me as I tried to help. Lillie looked up screaming tears forming. "Gladion, no!"

"Zinnia, get everyone out of here."

"You're not seriously thinking of doing what I'm thinking you're going to do?! We don't know where that thing takes you! You could die!"

"I'm not letting Lillie lose any more family to that place. Please, trust me, I'll see you on the flip side." I instruct getting a nod as she let me go. Approaching the wormhole I looked closely at it. "You ready Lillie?"


"We're going to save your brother and get him back, you hear me? No one else is being taken by Ultra Space. Get up, on your feet."

Helping Lillie up we both looked to the Ultra Wormhole my heart racing. "Ready?"

"Y-Yeah... Let's save Gladion."

"Oh, I'm going to regret this Mimi, Ultra Space here we come."

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