Sun and Moon Arc Chapter 1 - Alola!

Start from the beginning

Zorua appeared rubbing herself against the boy moving in between his legs and giggling. "Wh-What do you want!?"

"What do I want? I want to go home."


The sun was scorching, burning down never leaving my sight, I don't think I had ever known heat like this before, I know how Irida feels...

But this was countered by the gentle breeze of the sea brushing against my face. I lay back on a Pokeball float drifting on the sea bed taking it all in. I had only been in Alola for a few short hours but this was how you start a new region. Not being struck by lightning or a Time-Space distortion. Not falling from a burning plane, sun, beach and cocktails. 

Adjusting my sunglasses I sipped my drink smiling. "Ahh, this is the life."

While I was getting too comfy I was splashed with a large amount of water, a casualty of Zinnia and Zorua's water fight. Lifting my head forward I lowered my glasses shouting. "Hey! I'm trying to relax here!"

Zinnia and Zorua looked at each other a smug look taking over the two making me nervous. Both dived under the water leaving me defenceless. And like that, I was propelled from the safety of my float into the murky depths below to meet a fate at the hand of the beast below. Bursting up I began coughing spitting water from my mouth catching Zinnia and Zorua laughing away.

"Oh, you think this is funny huh? Since it's a two on one how about I even the odds a bit?" I snarl sending our Goodra high in the air. The two troublemakers began to swim away in a panic as Goodra crashed into the water sending a giant wave crashing towards them washing the two up.

Now it was my time to laugh as I jumped on Goodra's back using his as my new float. "How does a taste of your own Full Restore feel!?"

No response.

I peered over Goodra to find Zinnia out cold and Zorua panicking. My stomach dropped as I dived off Goodra running onto shore and tapping her face. "Zinnia! Zinnia!? Oh Arcues, oh no! Wake up!"

My worried state wouldn't last long as Zinnia suddenly jumped up pushing me back into the water getting a mixture of the horrid saltiness and sand in a large combo meal. Spitting it out I saw Zinnia laughing. "I got you good that time!"

"That wasn't very funny..." I whisper pouting. "I thought you were hurt."

"Aww, I'm sorry, but seriously use your imagination a little. Sometimes a bluff is needed in war."

"You know a false surrender is considered a war crime?"

Zinnia paused holding her hand up chuckling. "Guilty as charged."

Sitting back on the beach I brushed the sand out of my hair taking another good look at the sea beyond. "I still can't quite get over how beautiful Alola is, I should have come here first thing. To think the residents of Hau'oli City can just wake up every day to a view like this?"

Zinnia stood up nodding along. "This world sure is something and I get to see it with my own two eyes. Walking through the sand with my two feet. And experience it together with my two best buds."

"Oh, we're friends now? Can you believe this girl, right Mimi?" I smirk drying Zorua off with my towel. Zorua instantly puffed up her fur fuzzy from the heat making me snort my heart melted by the cuteness. "Don't move Mimi, I need to get a picture of this!"

Crawling for my bag I took out my phone taking as many snapshots as I could. These were the memories I would treasure forever. I will share when I get back home. Sitting up I went through each one more in love by the second only for a video call from the Professor. "Hey Zinnia, the Professor is calling."

Zinnia squatted down as I answered it. He began adjusting the camera waving. "Hey there you two, good afternoon. It's great to finally see you touch down in Alola! I trust the journey was smooth?"

"A corrupted Pokemon didn't blow up my plane this time round, so I'll say pretty smooth sailing."

"What?" Professor Kukui responded confused.

"Don't worry, Thank you again for having us Professor, It's an honour."

Kukui began shaking his head laughing. "Think nothing of it, I am grateful you accepted, I want to put this region on the map the same way others like Unova and Galar have. Let me give you a rundown of our amazing region. Alola is a region made up of several islands. That could be why the region is chock full of nothin' but rare Pokemon, yeah! There's no shortage of cool Pokemon out in here in Aola, either!"

"I'm already looking forward to our next partner in the making!" I gloat looking to Zorua thrilled thinking about what kind of Pokemon we'd meet.

"Right, you are Cousin. Here in Aola, we love our Pokemon, and we depend on them heaps, too." Kukui explained a Pokemon constantly walking around blocking his view. "Rockruff! Can you wait until I'm done talkin' to play?! I'm sure you have plenty of burning questions about what the go-how on the Pokemon League is, for now, don't worry about it. Our people are hard at work getting it all ready. Until then enjoy the views, meet the locals, try the food and most importantly battle to your heart's content. Oh, and don't you worry, I've heard all about your misdeeds across the other regions. You can relax knowing everything here like always is under control. Enjoy yourselves."

"Professor, you do not know how much that means to me. Finally, a region where I can just relax and nothing bad happens!"

"Move, move, move!"

The call cut off as out of nowhere hordes of men in riot gear flooded the beach surrounding us. This was also followed by a dozen Pokemon, ranging from species and regions. I jumped up stumbling forward towards Zinnia. Both of us were back-to-back Pokeballs at the ready. "What the hell!? Can't we catch a break!"

Zinnia's eyes glowed a crimson colour as she gripped her Pokeball tightly. "I don't know who these creeps think they are, but we'll take them all down together."

"You've got that right! Roaring Moon!" I shout sending in my ace right off the bat. The sudden intruders all stepped back startled as Zinnia sent in Tyrantrum causing more of a scene. We began taking down Pokemon after Pokemon, no one could stand in our way that was until everyone moved back following orders.

Suddenly several more Pokemon entered the fray, these were far different to the fairly average ones sent before us.

A Snorlax, Entei and Latios.

My eyes began to twitch more nervous than ever. "Two legendary Pokemon... These lots are serious. Well, Darkrai and I can show serious."

"Stand down, I said stand down!" The crowd of Police separated as a tall woman in a black suit and long purple hair approached eyeing me down. "Haven't you made enough of a scene young man, don't put anyone else at risk. Surrender before you cause any more chaos."

"Oh yeah, and why should I do that?" I snap still quite ready to fight, Zinnia as well. "The way I see it a group of armed men just attacked me unprovoked for no reason!"

The woman glanced at her Pokemon all ready to strike. "Trainer, you are under arrest for the act of mass terrorism against Alola, I will not warn you again. Surrender your Pokemon or else."

"What? Wait what!?"

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