Sword and Shield Arc Chapter 2 - The Two Champions

Start from the beginning

"The Gym leader? Haven't had the chance to meet too many of those these days." I speak up shaking his hand still a little fuzzy. The Rotom phone flew around taking more photos. "I'm Y/N and this is my partner Mimi."

"Very cool, hey it's alright to post this to my social right? I'm also co-streaming the event tonight. The whole world is watching."

"Co-streaming? With whom?"

"Ello, Hola, Bonjour! It's me your favourite stunning gym leader friend Iono! Can you hear me Y/N!"

"Iono... I should have known you'd be streaming this." I whisper as the phone spins around showing her stream. "Glad to see you got back to Paldea alright."

Iono giggled rubbing her nose. "You betcha! Our world-class Champion is taking part in the Galar Gym Challenge we got to represent and cheer louder than those Galarians! Everyone's got your back!"

"With that much support, how can I lose? Send everyone my love." I shouted back buzzing as the final calls were happening. "We all ready?"

"I'll pass, much rather watch from the comfort of this VIP room with the comfy chairs and buffet."

Shrugging this off I began walking with Raihan stretching. "Suit yourself. So, Raihan, mind telling me your gym speciality?"

"Ha!" He snorted back walking backwards wagging his finger. "Now why would I tell you that? Nah, I'm no gatekeeper everyone knows beforehand. I'm a dragon trainer. Better keep up."

"Dragon huh? Then I have just the Pokemon in mind." I whispered standing in the rings as Rose was giving his speech. Hopping on the spot I moved my neck around preparing myself. "You got this Y/N."

"Nervous eh? No need for that, you hear that? The crowd is cheering for you."

"Me, nervous? No. I wouldn't be. Shouldn't be. A little... But I got to put on my best game face, this is nothing compared to space-time distortions or an alien hive."


"Ladies and Gentleman, we have a very special guest, two-time Champion of not only Alola but Paldea, we are honoured to welcome you to Galar Champion Y/N!"

"That's your cue dude, knock em dead. I'll go easy on you."

"Yeah," I whisper looking down to Zorua nodding as we walk out into the open my feet brushing against the grass of the stadium the crowd roaring with excitement. My look was bewilderment as all the screens had a close-up of me and Zorua.

Zorua jumped on my shoulder just as overwhelmed as we kept walking waving slightly and making it to the main stage with Chairman Rose. "Hello everyone, thank you for having me."

Rose took my arm lifting it in the air as the crowd roared louder than before. "Here he is, a Champion trainer, Y/N! Everyone here greatly thanks you for being able to join us today for the opening of the ceremony. This is the first year we have a guest welcoming in the Champs of tomorrow, and we're not alone in the excitement take a look!"

All the screens came on showing people around the world watching the event going wild. I couldn't help but smile even catching Nemona and everyone cheering from our classroom holding banners with my name and all wearing Zorua shirts. I waved back ecstatic at such support.

Rose got everyone's attention again as he began walking down to the main field spinning around with a smile. "But that's not all folks, as this isn't the only Champion joining us this year. We have another very special guest from Kanto, and the Pokemon Master Monika couldn't make it out this year, she sends us her best wishes and a top Champion trainer. Everyone, please welcome to this side of the world. The Champion Leaf!"

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