Scarlet Arc Chapter 8 - Past Meets Future Part 1

Start from the beginning


I felt my legs shaking as we approached the academy again. Finally, we were back after so long. "This is it... A way back home."

Nemona looked deflated, wanting to say, someone. But instead, she took a deep breath speaking her mind. "Do you have to... Just don't get your hopes up."

About to enter, I was stopped as Penny tapped me on my shoulder. "Oh, Penny, fancy bumping into you again. Were you in class?"

Penny looked around; something about her was off, no different. "Thank you for everything you did for Operation Starfall."

"Don't mention it, I'm just glad they won't be harassing people anymore, but I guess they weren't so bad after all, huh?"

"Right, but there's still one last case to resolve."

"Oh, you mean the boss?"

"I do. Can you meet me in the school courtyard?" Penny asked, trembling. "It's important."

"I've missed home for three months now; what will a few more hours do?" I state, agreeing. "Nemona?"

"Why not? I'll inform the Director you'll be a little late."

"Thanks, so? Shall we?" 

Following Penny, I could tell something was up, I had suspicions, but I decided to play this one out. So let's see where this goes.

Standing in the courtyard, I whistled, Zorua standing on my shoulder. "So... Are you going to admit it yet? You're this Cassiopeia, aren't you?"

Penny looked startled for a brief moment before nodding. "I am; how did you know?"

"I have my doubts over your identity. But I knew it from the start, you could say. When my phone was hacked, I was only gifted it that very morning. So there was no way a third party could have found my details and hacked it so quickly. Unless they were in the school. Plus, you care for the Team Star Bosses; that was a dead giveaway."

Penny sighed, defeated. "I tried my best to hide such a secret; nothing gets past you, though. I began Operation Starfall to dissolve a team that was no longer needed, a team that would suffer because of me. I originally started it to combat the bullies, but now it's far out of control. You stop that; all that's left is me."

"Is that needed?" I question, arms crossed. "Your resolve started and disbanded Team Star; challenging you won't change anything."

"Maybe it won't. But I need this to be official once and for all."

"I suppose leaving loose ends untied is worse for wear. I accept; however, we will stick to one Pokemon. No more, no less."

"Why... Fine, I accept."

"If you don't mind, I wish to record this battle for the books."

"That's fine by me. Mimi? You good to go?" I asked as Zorua jumped down, ready to battle.

Penny held her Pokeball up, ready sending in Umbreon. "I am the Boss of Team Star, Penny. Bow down to the founder of Team Star!"

I stood by waiting as I gave no orders to Zorua; she didn't look worried though waiting. Penny gripped her fists, shouting. "I will give it my all and stay true to the Team Star's code. Umbreon use dark pulse."

Before Penny could even get a hit in, I shook my head, giving Zorua one order. "Mimi, return."

Zorua ran back to my side, catching Penny off guard. "What are you doing!? We are meant to be battling; why aren't you taking me seriously."

"The only person who isn't taking you seriously is yourself. This isn't you, Penny."

"What isn't?"

"All of this; why did you begin Operation Starfall?"

"Why?" She echoed. "Why? Because Team Star had overstayed their welcome, they weren't needed anymore. So I needed to disband them."

"You're wrong, Penny," I explain, annoyed. "You're lying to yourself even now. You were scared, scared for them to see who you were. If you wanted to disband Team Star, you could have done that yourself; instead, you used me to do it for you. You were scared of them seeing who the boss really was. You don't have to be scared, right guys?"

The rest of Team Star's bosses came in, freaking Penny out. "What is this? When did you?"

I took out a Rotom phone spinning it around. "I got with the times, you could say. But, after taking down Eri, I knew you would want me to defeat you, too, but that wouldn't change how you feel about yourself. So I decided to contact the former Team Star Bosses promising them all one thing. To finally meet the big boss."

"But why? Why?"

"Isn't that obvious because they care about you?" I state, stepping aside.

"Yo, big boss, long time no see." Giacomo saluted strolling in.

"Although, it's more like a long time no meet, right? We only just found out your real name." Mela smirked, getting everyone else to agree.

"Yeah, what gives!? You have no idea how worried we've been about you... After all this time, we found you." Eri shouted

"So let's do it, gang. Altogether, 1...2...3 Hasta la vistar Cassiopeia! Hello Penny!"

Zorua jumped back on my shoulder as I petted her chin. "This is all they ever wanted, Penny. Don't you think it's a bit selfish to be decided what's best for them? The disbanding of Team Star, since when, was that ever a good idea? It brought people together when they felt most alone. Created everlasting friendships and gave a place where people could feel like they belonged. Who are we to take that away?"

"You're... You're right."

"Of course I am; I'm always right." I joke, smiling. "Don't let this opportunity slip through your fingers, Penny... You never know if you'd see your friends again... I'll leave you guys in peace. Hasta la vistar."

My breathing was shaky as I stood before the Director's office. I had no idea what was to come, but regardless I was ready. Opening the door, I stepped in, bowing. "Director Clavell, I'm here. You said there was a way home?"

I saw Professor Sada in person, looking severely. I approached as Clavell turned to Professor Sada, not saying a word. "Y/N, thank you for coming. Unfortunately, I must keep this brief as Turo doesn't know of this conversation."

"What is it?"

"It's time I told you the truth," Sada said, pausing. "The truth about why you're here."

To be continued...

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